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  • Confirmation of the doubly ...
    Ocherashvili, A.; Moinester, M.A.; Engelfried, J.; Akgun, U.; Alkhazov, G.; Amaro-Reyes, J.; Atamantchouk, A.G.; Ayan, A.S.; Balatz, M.Y.; Bondar, N.F.; Cooper, P.S.; Dauwe, L.J.; Davidenko, G.V.; Dersch, U.; Dolgolenko, A.G.; Dzyubenko, G.B.; Edelstein, R.; Emediato, L.; Endler, A.M.F.; Eschrich, I.; Escobar, C.O.; Evdokimov, A.V.; Filimonov, I.S.; Garcia, F.G.; Gaspero, M.; Giller, I.; Golovtsov, V.L.; Gouffon, P.; Gülmez, E.; Kangling, He; Iori, M.; Jun, S.Y.; Kaya, M.; Kilmer, J.; Kim, V.T.; Kochenda, L.M.; Konorov, I.; Kozhevnikov, A.P.; Krivshich, A.G.; Krüger, H.; Kubarovsky, V.P.; Kulyavtsev, A.I.; Kuropatkin, N.P.; Kurshetsov, V.F.; Kushnirenko, A.; Kwan, S.; Lach, J.; Lamberto, A.; Landsberg, L.G.; Larin, I.; Yunshan, Li; Luksys, M.; Maleev, V.P.; Mao, D.; Chensheng, Mao; Mathew, P.; Mattson, M.; McCliment, E.; Molchanov, V.V.; Morelos, A.; Nelson, K.D.; Nemitkin, A.V.; Neoustroev, P.V.; Nilov, A.P.; Nurushev, S.B.; Onel, Y.; Ozel, E.; Ozkorucuklu, S.; Penzo, A.; Petrenko, S.V.; Pogodin, P.; Procario, M.; Prutskoi, V.A.; Ramberg, E.; Rappazzo, G.F.; Razmyslovich, B.V.; Rud, V.I.; Schiavon, P.; Simon, J.; Sitnikov, A.I.; Smith, V.J.; Srivastava, M.; Steiner, V.; Stepanov, V.; Stutte, L.; Svoiski, M.; Terentyev, N.K.; Thomas, G.P.; Vasiliev, A.N.; Vavilov, D.V.; Vázquez-Jáuregui, E.; Verebryusov, V.S.; Victorov, V.A.; Vishnyakov, V.E.; Vorobyov, A.A.; Vorwalter, K.; You, J.; Wenheng, Zhao; Shuchen, Zheng; Zukanovich-Funchal, R.

    Physics letters. B, 11/2005, Letnik: 628, Številka: 1-2
    Journal Article

    We observe a signal for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ in the decay mode Ξcc+→pD+K− to complement the previous reported decay Ξcc+→Λc+K−π+ in data from SELEX, the charm hadroproduction experiment at Fermilab. In this new decay mode we observe an excess of 5.62 events over a combinatoric background estimated by event mixing to be 1.38±0.13 events. The mixed background has Gaussian statistics, giving a signal significance of 4.8σ. The Poisson probability that a background fluctuation can produce the apparent signal is less than 6.4×10−4. The observed mass of this state is 3518±3 MeV/c2, consistent with the published result. Averaging the two results gives a mass of 3518.7±1.7 MeV/c2. The observation of this new weak decay mode confirms the previous SELEX suggestion that this state is a double charm baryon. The relative branching ratio for these two modes is 0.36±0.21.