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  • Izzivi upravljanja in finan...
    MUROVEC, Nika; KAVAŠ, Damjan

    Urbani izziv, 06/2021, Letnik: 32, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Abandoned and neglected historical buildings are a common feature of many central European cities. The Interreg Central Europe Cooperation Programme has also recognized this issue, and it has identified deterioration of cultural heritage as one of the main challenges to be tackled within the program. Part of this program is also the project ForHeritage-Excellence for Integrated Heritage Management in Central Europe. The project builds on previous tools and experiences, pushing the results into the practice of the participating regions and beyond. Based on what was learned and the documents created in previous projects, a toolbox for cultural heritage management has been produced. The toolbox contains a set of six new, concise, and practice-oriented tools that focus on various aspects of cultural heritage management. Here, Murovec and Kavas discuss the tools.