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  • Modeled as ... + n + n
    Gibson, B F; Afnan, IR

    Few-body systems, 08/2014, Letnik: 55, Številka: 8-10
    Journal Article

    (ProQuest: ... denotes formulae and/or non-USASCII text omitted; see image).A three-body calculation for the ... and ... hypernuclei has been undertaken. The respective cores are ... The interactions in the ... system, modeled as ..., are reasonably well known. For example, the p n interaction is well determined by the p n scattering data, the ...-p interaction can be fitted to the ... binding energy. The ... -n interaction can be fitted to alpha -n scattering data. For the super(4)He-n system the s-wave can be modeled alternatively as a repulsive potential or as an attractive potential with a forbidden bound state. We explore these alternatives in super(6)He, because the interaction comes into play in modeling ... as well as in our ... + n + n model of ..., where the valence neutrons are Pauli blocked from the s-shell of the core nucleus.