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  • Zaštita i sigurnost na radu...
    Horvat, Kristina

    Sigurnost, 04/2019, Letnik: 61, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Protection at work and work safety are the basic principles of the human right to work in a dignified way that guarantees protection of life and health at work. The scope of work of nurses/technicians includes diagnostic procedures, treatment and patient care. However, performance of these tasks can lead to health damage. Preventing and reducing injuries, occupational diseases, diseases related to the work as well as the preservation and improvement of health have a huge impact on reducing economic losses. Thus, a building of awareness is required so that the investment in occupational safety and health and safety at work will not be perceived as an unnecessary expense or a huge cost, but a long-term profitable investment. Additional costs and major expenses arise when the safety and health at work are not in proper focus. Employers and employees are the key factors, but the most important effort is to start raising awareness about the importance of protection and safety at work during the training for certain professions. Teachers play an important role in developing positive attitudes and understanding the importance of prevention of occupational accidents, occupational and related diseases. They greatly influence the maintenance of protection and safety from the earliest days to the end of service, including even the life expectancy of an individual person. If future young health care workers start with the acquisition of knowledge and skills of work safety at the beginning of their professional training, then safety and protection at work will become an integral part of the working process for them. They will develop a proper attitude toward the importance of occupational safety and health, which will guide them throughout their entire working life. Zaštita i sigurnost na radu temelj su za ostvarivanje prava čovjeka na rad na dostojanstven način, za zaštitu života i zaštitu zdravlja. Djelokrug rada medicinskih sestara/tehničara obuhvaća radne zadatke koji uključuju dijagnostičke postupke, liječenje i skrb za oboljele, a obavljanje tih radnih zadataka može dovesti do oštećenja zdravlja. Sprečavanje i smanjenje ozljeda na radu, profesionalnih bolesti i bolesti u vezi s radom te očuvanje i unapređivanje zdravlja ima velik utjecaj i na gospodarske gubitke. Potreban je proces osvješćivanja za ulaganje u zaštitu na radu kako rad na siguran način ne bi bio shvaćen kao nepotreban veliki trošak, već dugoročno isplativa investicija. Dodatan ili veliki trošak nastaje kada sigurnost i zdravlje na radu nisu u odgovarajućem fokusu. Poslodavci i zaposlenici su ključni čimbenici, ali od svega je najbitnije započeti osvješćivanje o važnosti zaštite i sigurnosti na radu tijekom stjecanja znanja za određena zanimanja. Nastavnici imaju značajnu ulogu u razvijanju pozitivnih stajališta i razumijevanju važnosti prevencije nastanka nezgoda na radu, profesionalnih bolesti i bolesti u vezi s radom. Njihova uloga uvelike utječe na održavanje zaštite i sigurnosti na radu od najranijih dana do kraja radnog staža, ali i životnog vijeka pojedinca. Ako budući mladi radnici počnu sa stjecanjem znanja i vještina o zaštiti i sigurnosti na radu na početku svoje stručne izobrazbe, tada sigurnost i zaštita na radu za njih postaju sastavni dio radnog procesa. Pri tom razvijaju dobar odnos prema važnosti zaštite i sigurnosti na radu te prema zdravlju koji će ih pratiti tijekom njihova cijelog radnog vijeka.