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  • Razumijevanje evagrijevske ...
    Knežević, Josip

    Diacovensia, 2020, Letnik: 27, Številka: 4
    Journal Article, Paper

    Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati najvažnije aspekte duhovnosti i misticizma jednoga od najvećih pustinjskih otaca, koji je zbog osude njegova nauka na Petom ekumenskom koncilu u Carigradu (553. godine) ostao dobrim dijelom zaboravljen. Moramo napomenuti da nema baš mnogo studija koje se bave striktno tom tematikom i koji daju prostora predstavljanju Evagrijeva nauka o duhovnosti i misticizmu i pogotovo njegovim idejama koje se tiču borbe protiv demona (napasti). Naime, premda je njegov teološko-dogmatski nauk osuđen na Koncilu, kad je u pitanju njegova duhovnost i njegov misticizam, Evagrije je nadahnuo razvoj teologije duhovnosti i misticizma i na Istoku i na Zapadu. Činjenica je da, ako nastojimo shvatiti njegov teološko-duhovni sustav i mistiku, ne smijemo izbjegavati teme koje bi danas doduše mogle dovesti i do određenih neprilika s obzirom na to da je riječ o osuđenom krivovjercu. The aim of this paper is to present the most important aspects of spirituality and mysticism of one of the greatest desert fathers who, due to the condemnation of his teaching at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople (553), remained largely forgotten. We must note that there are very few studies that deal with this subject and give space to the presentation of Evagrius’ doctrine on spirituality and mysticism, and especially his ideas concerning the struggle against demons. Although his theological-dogmatical doctrine was condemned at the Fifth Council, with regard to his spirituality and mysticism, we have to say that Evagrius inspired the development of theology of spirituality and mysticism both in the East and the West. The fact is that if we want to understand his theological-spiritual system and mysticism, we should not avoid themes which today might cause some troubles, given that he was a condemned heretic.