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  • Influence of the Time Inter...
    Adjamsky, S. V.; Sazanishvili, Z. V.; Tkachov, Yu. V.; Kononenko, H. А.

    Materials science (New York, N.Y.), 07/2021, Letnik: 57, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    We study the influence of a one-time stop in the course of manufacturing of products by the SLM technology on the structure and mechanical properties of specimens of Inconel 718 alloy with an aim to establish their serviceability. The specimens are produced on the equipment of different manufacturers both with stops in the process of printing and without stops. The mechanical properties are determined in tensile tests according to the requirements of GOST 1497 (ІСО 6892-84). It is shown that they are improved both in the case of continuous technological processes and in the presence of a stop in the course of production of the specimens.