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    Počekal, David; Roje, Vibor; Bakšić, Darko; Pernar, Nikola; Perković, Ivan

    Šumarski list, 06/2024, Letnik: 148, Številka: 5-6
    Journal Article, Paper

    Kalkokambisol (smeđe tlo na vapnencima i dolomitima) jedno je od najzastupljenijih tipova tala u Hrvatskoj. Kako i sam naziv sugerira razvijeno je na vapnencima i dolomitima, koji uključuju niz prijelaznih formi stijena u pogledu načina i intenziteta fizičkog i kemijskog trošenja. Na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera otvoreno je 30 pedoloških profila od kojih je 18 na vapnencima i 12 na dolomitima. Na terenu su bili određeni ektomorfološka i endomorfološka svojstva tla. Na prikupljenim uzorcima tla iz humusno-akumulativnog (A) i kambičnog (B) horizonta određeni su sljedeći parametri: granulometrijski sastav tla, reakcija tla odnosno pH-vrijednost u vodi i vodenoj otopini CaCl2, udjel karbonata te udjel organskog i ukupnog dušika. Najveće razlike u ektomorfološkim parametrima između tala povrh vapnenaca i dolomita utvrđene su u stjenovitosti i kamenitosti – na vapnencima se ona kreće u rasponu od vrlo niske do vrlo visoke, dok je na dolomitima nema. Na profilima kalkokambisola povrh dolomita utvrđen je veći udjel frakcija pijeska i manji udjel gline od kalkokambisola povrh vapnenaca. Dominantna teksturna oznaka u B-horizontu koji je ujedno i dijagnostički horizont kalkokambisola povrh vapnenaca je praškasta glina dok je kod kalkokambisola povrh dolomita praškasto glinasta ilovača. Prosječne pH-vrijednosti i udjeli CaCO3 u kalkokambisolima povrh vapnenaca bili su statistički značajno niže od kalkokambisola povrh dolomita duž cijelog profila. Nije utvrđena značajna razlika u udjelima Corg i Ntot između kalkokambisola povrh vapnenaca i dolomita pa tako nema ni velike razlike u omjeru C/N. Prosječni odnos C/N duž cijelog profila kalkokambisola povrh vapnenaca i dolomita iznosi 14, odnosno dekompozicija traje neometano. Ovim istraživanjem je utvrđeno da postoje značajne razlike u ektomorfološkim (stjenovitost i kamenitost) i endomorfološkim (granulometrijski sastav tla, pH-vrijednost tla i udjel CaCO3) svojstvima kalkokambisola na različitim matičnim supstratima. Calcocambisol (brown soil on limestone and dolomite) is one of the most common soil types in Croatia, and it is the dominant soil type developed on karst, as well as in the area of the Plitvice Lakes National Park, which is located in the karst area. As its name suggests, calcocambisol is developed on different carbonate substrates, which are different in terms of chemical composition as well as in terms of rock erosion. In the area of the National Park, 30 pedological profiles have been opened, 18 of which were on limestone and 12 on dolomite. In the field, ectomorphological and endomorphological soil parameters were determined. The following parameters were determined on the collected soil samples in the humus-accumulative (A) and cambic (B) horizons: particle size distribution of the soil, soil reaction, i.e. pH-value in water and CaCl2 solution, carbonate content, and total carbon and total nitrogen content using the dry burning method. The highest differences in ectomorphological parameters between limestone and dolomite were found in the classification of rockiness and stoneness, where they ranged from very low to very high on limestone, while they were absent on dolomite. On the profiles of calcocambisol on top of dolomite, a higher proportion of sand fractions and less clay than on calcocambisol on top of limestones was found. The dominant soil textural class of calcocambisol on top of limestone was silty clay, while in calcocambisol on top of dolomite it was silty clay loam. The pH-values of the soil and the proportion of CaCO3 on calcocambisol on top of dolomite were statistically significantly higher than on calcocambisol on top of limestone. Since there was no great difference in the fractions of organic carbon and total nitrogen between calcocambisol on top of limestones and dolomites, there was also no great difference in the C/N ratio. The average C/N ratio along the entire profile of calcocambisol on top of limestone and dolomite was 14, i.e. decomposition continued undisturbed and there was no accumulation of raw humus. The hypotheses in this paper were confirmed, and clear differences in the investigated ectomorphological (rockiness and stoniness) and endomorphological (particle size distribution, pH-values and CaCO3 content) properties between calcocambisol on top of limestone and dolomite were observed.