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  • Geneza post-istine
    Mijović, Pavle

    Bogoslovska smotra, 2023, Letnik: 93, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Cilj rada naslovljenog Geneza post-istine. Politika i znanost je analizirati pojam i fenomen post-istine te ponuditi moguće određenje toga pojma. Metodologija rada temelji se na trima međusobno povezanim momentima koji su povoljno utjecali na nastajanje jednog takvog planetarnog fenomena, a to su politički, znanstveni te filozofski moment. Prvi dio rada donosi generalno određenje fenomena post-istine, isprva na temelju lingvističkih uvida koji nam pomažu da proniknemo u samu esenciju navedene sintagme. Politički kontekst, privilegirano mjesto javne sfere, pokazuje problematičan suodnos istine i politike, koje su često u antitetičkom odnosu. Prvi dio rada odgovara na pitanje o nastanku same sintagme post-istine, koja je uvjetovana društveno-političkim kontekstom. U drugom dijelu rada idemo korak dalje te ukazujemo na činjenicu kako se doba post-istine inspirira na skepsi u, društveno gledano, privilegirani oblik spoznaje, a to je onaj znanstveni. U nekoliko suvremenih primjera skepse u suvremenu znanost (cjepiva, klimatske promjene, ravnozemljaške teze) pokazujemo kako navedene antiznanstvene pozicije povoljno djeluju na generiranje pogleda na svijet nakon-istine. Nije riječ samo o epistemičkoj sumnji nego o jednom sveobuhvatnom momentu skepse koja je i psihološki utemeljena a transponirana je u širu javnu sferu. Zaključna razmatranja u sintetičkoj formi rezimiraju saznanja do kojih smo došli vezano za genezu post-istine. The article titled The Genesis of Post-Truth. Politics and science aims to analyse the concept and the phenomenon of post-truth and offer a possible definition thereof. Our methodology is based on three interconnected moments that have had a favourable impact on the emergence of such a planetary phenomenon; specifically the political, the scientific and the philosophical moment. The first part of the artcile provides a general definition of the phenomenon of post-truth, firstly based on linguistic insights that help explore deeper the very essence of the phenomenon. The political context, a privileged place of the public sphere, shows the problematic relationship between the truth and politics, which are often in an antithetical relationship. The first part of the article answers the question on the origin of the phrase post-truth itself, conditioned by the socio-political context. In the second part of the article, we go a step further and point out the fact that the post-truth era is inspired by scepticism in the socially privileged form of knowledge, the scientific one. Through several contemporary examples of skepticism in modern science (vaccines, climate change, flat-earth theses), we demonstrate how those anti-scientific positions have had a favourable effect on generating a view of the post-truth world. It is not just an epistemic doubt, but a comprehensive moment of scepticism that is both psychologically based and transposed into the wider public sphere. The concluding considerations summarize in a synthetic form, the knowledge we have reached related to the genesis of post-truth.