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  • Uloga uključenosti u romant...
    Krnić, Ana; Šutić, Lucija; Novak, Miranda

    Psihologijske teme, 12/2022, Letnik: 31, Številka: 3
    Journal Article, Paper

    Važnost je romantičnih odnosa u adolescenciji i ranoj odrasloj dobi neupitna. Dok turbulencije na romantičnome planu mogu utjecati na mentalno zdravlje, problemi s potonjim mogu se odraziti na romantičnu kompetentnost adolescenata. Model individualnih razlika predlaže da navedenu povezanost moderiraju individualne karakteristike pojedinca, uključujući relacijske aspekte samopoimanja. Budući da su istraživanja navedenih konstrukata u hrvatskim znanstvenim krugovima još uvijek nedovoljno zastupljena, cilj je ovoga pilot-istraživanja bio ispitati doprinose spola, dobi te relacijskih aspekata samopoimanja u objašnjenju emocionalnoga distresa. Istraživanje je provedeno u proljeće 2021. godine putem online-upitnika. Prigodni su uzorak sačinjavale 194 mlade osobe u kasnoj adolescenciji i ranoj odrasloj dobi, a prosječna je dob sudionika bila 19 godina. Žene su sačinjavale 78 % uzorka, a 62 % sudionika u trenutku provedbe istraživanja bilo je u romantičnoj vezi. Osim odgovora na demografska pitanja i pitanja o uključenosti u romantične odnose, sudionici su ispunili skraćenu verziju Skale depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa te Upitnik za procjenu odnosa. Da bismo testirali postavljene hipoteze, provedena je hijerarhijska regresijska analiza. Rezultati su razmotreni s polazišta teorije sociometra te pokazuju da veća relacijska depresivnost mladih previđa veću izraženost simptoma depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa. Pritom uključenost u romantične odnose ima značajnu moderatorsku ulogu pa mladi koji su u vezi imaju izraženije probleme mentalnoga zdravlja kada je njihovo relacijsko samopouzdanje nisko, a relacijska depresivnost izraženija. Dobiveni nalazi pružaju smjernice za buduća istraživanja, ali i sugeriraju mogućnost promocije mentalnoga zdravlja jačanjem interpersonalnih kompetencija u adolescenciji. The importance of romantic relationships in adolescence and early adulthood is unquestionable. Turbulent events on a romantic plan can manifest in the form of depressive symptoms. On the other hand, certain mental health problems undoubtedly affect the romantic competence of adolescents. The model of individual differences suggests that this connection is moderated by the individual characteristics of the person, including relational aspects of self-esteem. Given that the research of these constructs is still insufficiently represented in Croatian scientific circles, the main aim of the current pilot study was to examine whether relationship status and the relational aspects of the self predict mental health of Croatian youth. The study was conducted in Croatia in spring 2021. 194 adolescents and young adults, whose mean age was 19 years, participated in the online survey. 78% of our sample were women and 62% of our participants stated that they are in a romantic relationship. In addition to answering demographic questions and the question regarding romantic involvement, participants completed the DASS-21 questionnaire and the Relational Assessment Questionnaire. To test our hypothesis, a hierarchical regression analysis was conducted. The results were interpreted based on the sociometer theory, and show that greater relational depression in youth predicts the severity of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Furthermore, involvement in romantic relationships has a significant moderating role, meaning that those young people who are in a relationship have more significant mental health problems when their relational self-esteem is low, but also when they report greater relational depression. The findings provide guidelines for future research, but also point to the possibility of promoting mental health by strengthening interpersonal skills in adolescence.