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  • Chlamydophila abortus infec...
    Krkalic, Lejla; Satrovic, Edin; Goletic, Teufik; Dzaja, Petar; Severin, Kresimir

    Veterinarski arhiv, 05/2015, Letnik: 85, Številka: 3
    Journal Article

    The aim of this research was to determine the presence of Chlamydophila abortus (C. abortus) infection in one flock of goats with a previously recorded history of reproductive failures (abortion, stillbirths, weak born kids) and long-term poor reproductive performances. The affected flock was from the southern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and consisted of 48 goats kept in semi-intensive conditions. Blood samples and vaginal swabs were collected twice during 2012 and 2013 and the sample size was estimated at a 95% confidence level, with predicted prevalence of 20%, using the recommendations for determining the required sample size necessary to detect the presence of disease in a flock. A representative sample from this flock was taken by simple random sampling. In the total of 12 blood sera that were tested for the specific antibodies against C. abortus, with the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (CHEKITR Chlamydophila abortus Antibody Test Kit), the results showed that 11 (91.7%) sera were positive for C. abortus antibodies. Vaginal swabs from all animals were analysed by a modified Chlamydiaceae-specific rtPCR test, targeting the 23S rRNA gene, to determine the presence of known Chlamydiaceae, and three (25%) samples were positive. These positive samples were subsequently tested with a test targeting the ompA gene region (ompA-rtPCR) specific for Chlamydophila abortus. All three samples were also positive using this test. Key words: Chlamydophila abortus, goats, flock, Bosnia and Herzegovina Cilj istrazivanja bio je utvrdivanje infekcije vrstom Chlamydophila abortus (C. abortus) u stadu koza s reproduktivnim poremecajima (pobacaji, mrtvorodenja, radanje slabih mladunaca i dugotrajnim losim reproduktivnim rezultatima). Pretrazeno je stado iz juzne regije Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH), a cini ga 48 koza drzanih u poluintenzivnim uvjetima. Uzorke krvi i vaginalne obriske prikupljali smo u dva navrata tijekom 2012. i 2013. godine, a potreban broj smo odredili koristeci se preporukama za odredivanje potrebne velicine uzorka za otkrivanje bolesti u stadu na 95% razini povjerljivosti i ocekivanom prevalencijom od 20%. Reprezentativan uzorak osigurali smo jednostavnim slucajnim uzorkovanjem. Od ukupno 12 pretrazenih uzoraka krvnog seruma na prisutnost specificnih protutijela protiv C. abortus pomocu imunoenzimnog testa (CHEKITR Chlamydophila abortus Antibody Test Kit), 11 (91,7%) je bilo pozitivno. Vaginalne obriske svih zivotinja potom smo analizirali modifi ciranim Chlamydiaceae-specifi cnim rtPCR za dokaz 23S rRNA gena. Tri su (25%) bila pozitivna. Potom smo pozitivne uzorke pretrazili testom za dokaz gena ompA (ompA-rtPCR) specifi cnoga za vrstu Chlamydophila abortus. Sva tri uzorka su takoder bila pozitivna. Kljucne rijeci: Chlamydophila abortus, koze, stado, Bosna i Hercegovina