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  • Runko Luttenberger, Lidija

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Rad analizira djelovanje na okoliš komunalnog gospodarenja vodom i otpadom. Daje se pregled stanja komunalne djelatnosti, raspravlja primjenjivost nacela onecišcivac placa, navode razlozi opstajanja rješenja na kraju cijevi, te se iznose moguca tehnicka rješenja za komunalno gospodarenje odnosno komunalnu infrastrukturu s posebnim naglaskom na manja naselja. Analizira se ekološko zakonodavstvo Europske unije koje se odnosi na komunalni sektor. Pružaju se podaci za komunalno gospodarenje u Republici Hrvatskoj u pogledu upravljanja vodama, gospodarenja otpadom i ulaganja u zaštitu okoliša. Opisuju se iskustva sa inozemnim partnerima u izgradnji komunalne infrastrukture u Hrvatskoj, pravna pomoc i sudska praksa, te stavovi Europske unije i Svjetske banke. Temeljem intervjua i objavljenih podataka se iznose stavovi dionika o okolišu. Daje se istraživanje modela upravljanja zaštitom okoliša utemeljen na komunalnom gospodarenju otpadom i vodom, uz sadržaj upitnika, te analizu i ocjenu dobivenih rezultata. Autor navodi prijedlog modela upravljanja zaštitom okoliša utemeljen na komunalnom gospodarenju otpadom i vodom, a koji je razraden na nacin da pruža pregled postojeceg stanja, navodi kljucne probleme, izazove, moguca tehnicka, zakonodavna, institucionalna i obrazovna rješenja, te konkretne mjere.- Thesis analyses the impact of water and waste utility service management on the environment. It presents the state of utilities sector, discusses the applicability of the polluter pays principle, states the reasons of perseverance of end of the pipe systems, and contemplates the feasible technical solutions for utilities management or the communal infrastructure with particular emphasis on smaller communities. Environmental legislation of the European Union relevant for the utilities sector is analysed. The data concerning utilities management in the Republic of Croatia are provided regarding water management, solid waste management and investment in environmental protection. The experiences with foreign partners in constructing communal infrastructure in Croatia, legal aid and case law are reported on, as well as the stances of the European Union and of the World Bank. On the basis of interviews and published data, the stances by shareholders on the environment are presented. Research is presented of the environmental protection model based on waste and water utility management together with contents of the questionnaire, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the results obtained. The author puts forward proposal of the environmental management model based on the waste and water utility management, which is elaborated so as to provide the review of present state, specify major problems, challenges, possible technical, regulatory, institutional and educational solutions, as well as concrete measures.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana