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  • Pejić Papak, Petra

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    Provider: - Institution: University of Rijeka. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Department of Pedagogy. - Data provided by Europeana Collections- U težnji da se doprinese ocrtavanju stanja i projiciranju doprinosa organiziranog provođenja slobodnog vremena učenika unutar škole, disertacija pod naslovom „Projekcija razvoja izvannastavnih aktivnosti učenika osnovne škole“ orijentira se na prikaz stanja organizacije i provedbe izvannastavnih aktivnosti u osnovnim školama Primorsko-goranske županije, ali i na traganje za rješenjima koja vode unapređivanju izvannastavnih aktivnosti kao važnog dijela školskog kurikuluma. S ciljem analize zastupljenosti izvannastavnih aktivnosti kroz interesna područja, studijem dokumentacije prikazane su izvannastavne aktivnosti učenika osnovne škole prema osam interesnih područja i geografskom području škola. Anketnim upitnikom izneseni su stavovi voditelja izvannastavnih aktivnosti o odrednicama organizacije i provedbe aktivnosti koje su uključile: analizu obilježja voditelja, programsku osnovu aktivnosti, stavove o provedbi aktivnosti s naglaskom na poticanju aktivnog učenja i razvoju kompetencija učenika te analizu učestalosti istupa i nagrada tijekom provedbe aktivnosti. Rezultati kao podloga za promišljanje o donošenju odluka za učinkoviti pomak u pravcu kvalitetnije organizacije izvannastavnih aktivnosti upotpunjeni su utvrđenim ometajućim čimbenicima za provedbu aktivnosti te mišljenjima o poticajnim mjerama razvoja aktivnosti. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je za smjer razvoja značajno: osvješćivanje potrebe za kvalitetnim provođenjem slobodnog vremena ; kontinuirano praćenje, evaluacija i dokumentiranje promjena u strukturi interesa učenika kao osnove za planiranje izvannastavnih aktivnosti te prilagođavanje unutrašnje organizacije tim polazištima. Neophodno je redovito, cjelovito i pravodobno informiranje učenika unutar škole o ponudi i provedbi aktivnosti institucionalnim umrežavanjem u sustav interesnih aktivnosti, kao i informiranje o mogućnostima suradnje sa širom zajednicom uz pridavanje prostora većem tjednom obimu sati za realizaciju izvannastavnih aktivnosti. Iziskuje se obvezno vrednovanje organizirane interesne aktivnosti u sklopu kojega bi važnu ulogu svakako mogli odigrati savjetnici za izvannastavne aktivnosti koji bi provodili evaluacijska istraživanja i razvijali smjernice djelovanja. Neizostavan vid napredovanja kvalitetne provedbe izvannastavnih aktivnosti mora obuhvaćati podršku učiteljima od strane škole, zajednice, savjetnika i vid nagrađivanja svih učesnika provedbe aktivnosti te osigurati prilike za prikupljanjem informacija putem redovitih stručnih usavršavanja. Iziskuje se već u obrazovanju učitelja tijekom studija daleko više zastupanje problematike provođenja slobodnog vremena djece i organizacije izvannastavnih aktivnosti. U tom smislu, projekcijom razvoja organiziranog slobodnog vremena učenika izvannastavnim aktivnostima, nastoji se doprinijeti promišljanju o potrebitim promjenama koje bi trebalo poduzeti kako bi se u budućnosti snažnije promovirala dobrobit organizacije i provedbe izvannastavnih aktivnosti.- In an effort to contribute to illustrating the state of leisure time activities for pupils organised within schools, and to propose contributions to the same, the dissertation ˝Projecting the Development of Extracurricular Activities Among Primary School Pupils˝ is oriented towards presenting an overview of the manner in which extracurricular activities in primary schools in the Primorje – Gorski Kotar county are organised and implemented and, in addition, towards searching for solutions leading to the improvement of extracurricular activities as an important part of the curriculum. With the aim of analysing the representation of extracurricular activities according to areas of interest, a study of documentation has been utilised to display the extracurricular activities of primary school pupils as pertaining to eight areas of interest and the geographical position of the school. The leaders of the extracurricular activities in question voiced their opinions on the organisation and implementation of activities in a questionnaire that encompassed: an analysis of the leaders' characteristics, a basic activity programme, views on the implementation of activities with a focus on the stimulation of active learning and the development of the pupils' competences, and an analysis of the frequency of the pupils' and leaders' appearances and rewards during the implementation of the activity. The results serve as a foundation for making decisions that represent an efficient step towards a more quality organisation of extracurricular activities, also encompassing those factors that have been found to interfere with the implementation of activities and views on measures that stimulate the development of activities. The research results indicate that, in order to move in the direction of development, it is important to: raise awareness of the need for spending leisure time in a quality fashion; continuously monitor, evaluate and document changes in the structure of the pupils' interests as the basis for planning extracurricular activities and to adapt internal organisation to these starting points. Giving the school's pupils regular, complete and timely information on the offer and implementation of activities through an institutional network based on areas of interest is indispensible, as is informing on the possibilities for cooperation with the broader community and allotting the time for a larger weekly proportion of extracurricular activities. A compulsory evaluation of the activities organised is also necessary, and within it advisors of extracurricular activities could certainly play an important role by conducting evaluation research and and developing action guidelines. Another indispensible dimension of the quality implementation of extracurricular activities must encompass support given to teachers by the school, community and advisors, a form of rewarding all participants in the implementation of the activity and ensuring opportunities for gathering information through regular professional improvement. It is also necessary for the issue of children's leisure time and the organisation of extracurricular activities to be far more present already during the training of teachers through their university study. In this sense, a projection of the development of the pupils' leisure time organised through extracurricular activities aims to contribute to deliberation on the changes that ought to be made in so that, in the future, the beneficial properties of the organisation and implementation of extracurricular activities may be better promoted.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana