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  • Liker, Branko

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    Provider: - Institution: University of Zagreb. Faculty of Forestry. Department of Production Organisation. - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Šumarstvo i drvna industrija su temeljna područja gospodarstva u strategiji razvoja Republike Hrvatske. Kako bi se u potpunosti upotrijebila drvna sirovina i tehnološki ostaci iz prerade drveta, potrebno je posvetiti pažnju proizvodnji i prodaji proizvoda nastalih iz sekundarnih sirovina (nastalih u primarnoj proizvodnji). U današnje vrijeme jedan od tih proizvoda je i drvni pelet. U ovom radu će se istražiti mogućnosti proizvodnje, prodaje i uporabe peleta u Republici Hrvatskoj i pojedinim zemljama Europske unije s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja povećane proizvodnje i uporabe peleta na energetsku učinkovitost Republike Hrvatske. Analizirati će se postojeće stanje u pogledu količina i korištenja drvnog ostatka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Odrediti će se ukupna proizvodnja i potrošnja peleta u Republici Hrvatskoj i pojedinim zemljama Europske unije, a konačni cilj je utvrđivanje mogućnosti razvoja proizvodnje peleta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Trendovi europske energetske politike idu u smjeru povećanja udjela obnovljivih izvora energije i smanjenja potrošnje u svim sektorima. Novi europski energetski ciljevi do 2020. godine su povećanje udjela obnovljivih izvora na 20% potrošnje, smanjenje emisija stakleničkih plinova za 20%, te povećanje energetske učinkovitosti za 20%. U ovom radu analzirati će se potrošnja energije u zemljama Europske unije i posebno u Republici Hrvatskoj. Promatrati će se utjecaj potrošnje peleta u ukupno potrošenoj energiji kako bi se vidjelo s kolikim postotkom peleti doprinose energetskoj učinkovitosti Republike Hrvatske.- Forestry and wood industry are basic fields of economy in the development strategy of the Republic of Croatia. In order to take the most of the wooden raw materials and technological wastes of wood processing, it is important to pay attention to the production and the marketing of the products made of the secondary raw materials (which emerged as the result of the primary production). Nowdays, one of those products is the wooden pellet. In this study the posibilities of the production, marketing and usage of the pellets in the Republic of Croatia and some countries of the European Union will be researched to establish the effect of the increasing production and pellets usage on the energetic efficacity of the Republic of Croatia.The current situation of the quantity and the usage of wooden remains in the Republic of Croatia will be looked into, too. The complete production and the usage of the pellets in the Republic of Croatia and some countries of the European Union will be defined. Also, the trends for the afore - said countries (total production and consumption for the each country) will be set out. The final aim is defining the posibilities of the pellet production in the Republic of Croatia. The European energetic policy trends develop towards the increasing of share of the renewable energy sources and decreasing the consumption in all sectors. New European energetic goals to the year 2020. are the increasing participation of renewable sources to the consumption of 20% and increasing the energetic efficacity for 20%.In this study the energy consumption in the countries of the European Union, particularly in the Republic of Croatia will be analysed. Furthermore, the impact of pellets consumption in the entirely consumed energy will be viewed in order to see the percentage of pellets contribution to the energy efficacity of the Republic of Croatia.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana