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  • Structure design of a radar...
    Kang, Ji; Zhang, Liang Juan; Liu, Sheng Sheng; Lv, Zhao Hui

    Journal of physics. Conference series, 03/2023, Letnik: 2458, Številka: 1
    Journal Article

    Abstract Radar display console is an equipment which is closely associated with people as a medium of human-computer interaction. However, for the sake of heat dissipation, draught fans in display console make continuous noise when radar is on operation, the noise dose harm to human health. In order to reduce the noise, an impedance compound muffler is designed in this paper, and then the acoustic characteristics of muffler is studied by simulation method. In the end, the simulation results are verified by means of noise spectrum analyser, as a result, the muffler obtains good silencing effect and the maximum sound level of the radar display console is reduced by 3dB.