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  • Stanzas in Paragraphs: Some...
    Svetina, Peter

    Slavistična revija, 04/2000, Letnik: 48, Številka: 2
    Journal Article

    In their efforts to spread religious teachings, 16th-century Slovene Protestant writers published several hymnals; with the tunes adapted from the hymnals by German & Czech Protestants, they introduced into Slovene spiritual poetry numerous new stanza forms. The verse of 16th-century Protestant versification was chanted, hence it was governed by the rhythm of the tune, which in turn has a direct correlation with the stanza formulas. Among many of these formulas found in the Protestant versifications, of particular interest are the following: the very common Lutherstrophe (I8/7 aBaBeex); the vagrant stanza, which was in its long disjunctive variant used once (I8/7 AbAbCdCdX), but was in its short disjunctive variant (I8/7 AbAb) used in numerous stanzas; the Heldebrand stanza (I7/6aBaBeDeD); & the 10-line stanza (I8/7 AbAbCCdEEd), which does not have a specific name. These four stanza forms are only a part of the extensive stanzaic repertoire of 16th century Protestant versification. Adapted from the source document