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  • Production Control of a Pol...
    Gradišar, Dejan; Zorzut, Sebastjan; Jovan, Vladimir

    Organizacija, 11/2008, Letnik: 41, Številka: 6
    Journal Article

    The specifics of process manufacturing have a great influence on production management. The focus of process-production control is to maintain stable and cost-effective production within given constraints. The synthesis of production-control structures is thus recognized as one of the most important design problems in process-production management. This article proposes a closed-loop control structure with the utilization of production-performance indicators (pPIs) as a possible solution to this problem. Suggested concept takes into account also economic issues of production. pPIs represent the translation of operating objectives, such as the minimization of production costs, to a reduced set of control variables that can then be used in a feedback control. The idea of production-feedback control using production pPIs as controlled variables was implemented on a procedural model of a production process for a polymerization plant. Preliminary results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methodology. At the implementation stage we must be aware that appropriate IT system has to be available which ensures needed online production data. Posebnosti procesne industrije imajo velik vpliv na vodenje proizvodnje. Poudarek vodenja proizvodnje v tovrstnih industrijah je na vzdrževanju stabilne in stroškovno učinkovite proizvodnje znotraj danih omejitev. Načrtovanje strukture sistema vodenja proizvodnje tako predstavlja enega izmed najbolj zahtevnih problemov. Kot možna rešitev omenjenega problema je v prispevku predlagan koncept zaprtozančnega vodenja z uporabo proizvodnih kazalnikov učinkovitosti (pPIs). Predlagan koncept upošteva tudi ekonomski vidik proizvodnje. Uporaba kazalnikov učinkovitosti omogoča prevedbo doseganja globalnih ciljev proizvodnje (npr. minimizacijo proizvodnih stroškov) v ustrezno izvedeno zaprtozančno vodenje izbrane podmnožice procesnih veličin. Ideja zaprtozančnega vodenja, kjer kazalnike pPI uporabimo kot regulirane veličine, je bila preizkušena na proceduralnem modelu proizvodnega procesa polimerizacije. Preliminarni rezultati kažejo na uporabnost predlagane metodologije ob predpogoju, da je v fazi implementacije potrebno zagotoviti ustrezno informacijsko podporo za zagotavljanje vseh potrebnih podatkov za vodenje proizvodnje.