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  • Histological and Cytologica...
    Trosic, Ivancica; Matausic-Pisl, Mirjana; Pavicic, Ivan; Marjanovic, Ana Marija

    Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 12/2013, Letnik: 64, Številka: 4
    Journal Article

    The unfavourable outcomes of mobile phone use on male fertility have still not been fully elaborated. To establish the potentially adverse effects of everyday exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RF) on humans, we performed a controlled animal study that aimed to investigate the influence of RF radiation on rat testis histology as well as the amount, mobility, and structure of epididymal free sperm cell population. Eighteen adult male rats were divided into two groups of nine. One group comprised sham-exposed control animals, while the other group endured total body irradiation for an hour daily during two weeks. A 915 MHz RF field, power density of 2.4 W m and strength of 30 V m was generated in a Gigahertz Transversal Electromagnetic chamber. The specific absorption rate (SAR) was 0.6 W kg . Body mass and temperature were measured before and after each exposure treatment. Immediately after the last exposure, the animals were sacrificed and testes removed and prepared for histological analysis. The free sperm cells were collected from the cauda epididymis and their quantity, quality, and morphology were microscopically determined using a haemocytometer. No statistically significant alteration in any of the endpoints was observed. This study found no evidence of an unfavourable effect of the applied RF radiation on testicular function or structure. Based on these results, we can conclude that short-time intermittent exposure to RF radiation does not represent a significant risk factor for rat reproductive functions. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ispitati utjecaj radiofrekvencijskog zračenja (RF) na histologiju testisa štakora i slobodnu populaciju epididimalnih spermija. Osamnaest odraslih štakora (12 tjedana starosti, približne tjelesne mase 350 g) podijeljeno je u dvije skupine po devet životinja. Unutar gigahercne transverzalne elektromagnetske komore (GTEM) stvoreno je RF polje frekvencije 915 MHz, gustoće snage 2,4 W m i snage polja 30 V m . Jedna skupina životinja (n=9) bila je dva tjedna zračena u GTEM komori jedan sat na dan. Specifična brzina apsorpcije (SAR) iznosila je 0,6 W kg . Tjelesna masa i temperatura bile su mjerene prije i nakon svakog ozračivanja. Odmah nakon posljednjeg izlaganja životinje su žrtvovane, testisi su uklonjeni, očišćeni od okolnog tkiva i fiksirani. Uzorci tkiva bili su uklopljeni u parafin, presjeci obojeni hematoksilin-eozinskom bojom. Histološki su preparati analizirani pomoću svjetlosnog mikroskopa. Cauda epididimis isprana je toplim hranjivim medijem. Prikupljene su slobodne stanice, spermiji, te im je hemocitometrom određena količina, kakvoća i morfologija. U usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, ni jedan praćeni parametar nije statistički značajno odstupao u ozračenoj skupini životinja. Rezultati su pokazali da primijenjeno RF zračenje frekvencije 915 MHZ nije utjecalo na funkciju i strukturu testisa u štakora.