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  • Alexandru Vulpe – responsabil; Daniel Spânu; Meda Toderaș; Cristina Georgescu (IAB); Svend Hansen – responsabil; Agathe Reingruber; Norbert Benecke; Reinder Neef (DAI-Eurasien Abteilung; Berlin; Michael Prange (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum; Bochum) Jürgen Wunderlich; Kai Ruess; Anne Bublitz (Institut für Physische Geographie; Universität Frankfurt a.M.; Sandra Kaufhold; Maria Tomuschat (Fachhochschule fur Technik u. Wirtschaft; Restaurierung/ Grabungstechnik; Christoph Schröder; Jonas Kleindienst; Richard Ehrich; Pina Werning; Heide Wrobel; Michael Müller (Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie; Freie Universität Berlin; Ivan Gatsov; Lili Gatsov; Petranka Nedelcheva; Petar Zidarov (Nov Bîlgarski Universitet; Sofia; Marvin Kay (University of Arkansas; Department of Anthropology; Florian Klimscha (DAI-Orient Abteilung; Ute Koprivc; Tilmann Vachta; Nico Becker (Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften; Ruhr-Universität; Bochum; Irma Berdzenisvili (CSA "Otar Lordkipanidze"; Tbilisi; Stanislav Țerna (IAE; Chișinău; Dimitri Zhvania; Joni Abuladze (Univ. de Stat „Ivane Javakhishvili; Svend Hansen - responsible; Anne Bublitz (Institut für Physische Geography; Sofia; Chisinau

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    Location: Gorgana The sixth archaeological excavation campaign at Pietrele - Măgura Gorgana was conducted between the 14th of July and 6th of September 2008. The archaeological excavations in the tell at Pietrele - Măgura Gorgana are part of a joint Romanian-German excavation project initiated by “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest and Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien Abteilung. As mentioned in the collaboration protocol, the project will run until 2013. The goal of this collaboration is to continue the systematic excavations into the tell type settlement, to conduct archaeological excavations in the flat settlement around the tell, in the cemetery identified about 200 m West of the tell and to dig concentric circular trenches on the upper terrace of the Danube. The 2008 excavation campaign focused on the three sections opened on the tell, as we investigated unburned houses, fired houses, hearths, etc. In area F we identified 241 features containing pottery, animal bones, bone, stone and copper tools, wall bits, a.s.o. In the area surrounding the tell and in the Danube river meadow we carried on the series of drillings conducted by the team of geographers from the University of Frankfurt, led by Professor J. Wünderlich. The bone material from the tell at Măgura Gorgana were entirely analysed. The preliminary results point to a type of subsistence based both on hunting (wild boars, hares, and bears), fishing and domestic animal breeding (pigs, sheep, goats). We collected ground samples for sedimentologic and archaeobotanic tests. From various archaeological contexts we collected wood and charcoal bits for radiocarbon dating. The track test conducted on a lot of the flint artefacts by Professor Marvin Kay showed that these were used in proportion of 70% for cutting grain. To determine the metallographic test of the copper artefacts we picked up samples from 18 artifacts discovered during this campaign. By using these we try to identify the source of raw matter, as well as to obtain more data on the metallurgic process. The whole archaeological material collected was washed, marked and tested from a statistical and typological point of view. The vessels are restored in the specially arranged laboratory. The pottery tested in 2008 weighs 1,152 kg. The total number of the whole vessels found during this campaign is 65, distributed as follows: 37 vessels come from section F, 24 vessels from section B and 4 vessels from section A. Most of them are small sized vessels (cups and lids), some of which are painted with graphite, a typical Gumelnița culture decoration.