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  • Charles VIII (1470-1498 ; roi de France). Auteur de lettres

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    Scanning from a substitute document. Part of the documentary ensemble: MAEDI002 Part of the documentary ensemble: MAEDIGen0 Copies. The following pieces can be reported in this volume: Letter by Laurent de Medici, on the murder of Alexander de Medici, Duke of Florence, s. d., in Italian (4); - Letter from Cardinal Charles of Lorraine, Archbishop of Reims, to the Pope Pius IV, to recommend Jean -Jacques Amyot, presented by the King Charles IX to the dignity of Abbot of S.-Corneille de Compiègne, s. d., minute, in Latin (11); - Letter from the chapter of N.D. from Paris to the College of Cardinals, 20 Oct. 1568, in Latin (12); - Letters from the Bishop of Tours, Simon de Maillé-Brézé to the Pope Pius V, about Guillaume Ruzé, Bishop designate of Saint-Malo (13), and Urban of Saint-Gelais, Bishop designate of Comminges (13 v °), Tours, 5 sept. 1569; minutes, in Latin; - Letter from the Archbishop of Reims Louis de Guise to a Cardinal, about the promotion to the cardinalate of English Guillaume Alain, Reims, 1st Sep. 1587, minute, in Latin (15); Letters of Henry III, appointing Cardinal de Joyeuse to the dignity of the King’s business protector in the courtyard of Rome, Paris, 16 Feb. 1587 (17); - Decree of the Consectorial Congregation, on the investigations of candidates for episcopal and abbeal dignitaries, 19 March 1631, in Latin (19); - Decree of the Inquisition, prohibiting the study and publication of a manuscript in Arabic, Greek and Latin, attributed to S. John the Evangelist, as well as other manuscripts and lead lamelles covered with Arabic characters, attributed to the Apostle S. James, found first in Grenada, impr. (25); Notarial act, relating to a assault trial filed with Quentin Charlier, intendant of Marshal François-Annibal d“Estrées, Ambassador to Rome, by Jean-Jacques Bouchard, 18 April 1641 (26); - "Testamento dell”Eminentissimo sigr cardinal di Bagno Gianfrancesco Bagni," Rieti, 24 March 1638, in-fol., impr. (27); - Decrees of the Inquisition, prohibiting the Augustinus of Jansénius and all books, theses, brochures, etc published for or against this book, Rome, 1 August 1641, in-fol., impr. (29); and the book by Michel Rabardeau, S. J., Optatus Gallus of cavendo schismate etc., benigna manu sectus, 18 March 1643, in-fol., impr. (31); - Bulle of Urban VIII, prohibiting the use of tobacco in churches or on the forecourt of the churches of the city and the diocese of Seville, Rome, 30 January. 1642, in-fol., impr. (30); Relation of the Embassy of the Marshal François-Annibal from Estrées to Mantua, 1630 (32); - Relation of the disputes between the Barberini and the Duke of Parma Odoardo Farnese (92); and other documents relating to the same case, in Italian (100 and 102); - Sentence rendered in Rome against the claims of Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma, 13 janv. 1642, in-4 °, impr. (120); - Edits of the Apostolic Chamber, prohibiting the taking of arms in favor of the Duke of Parma, Rome, 26 seven. 1641, in-fol., impr. (124), putting the city of Castro and all the goods belonging to the duke at the auction, Feb. 13. 1642, in-fol., impr. (125); - Letter from the Duke of Parma to Cardinal Stefano Durazzo, “del campo al Reno,” 13 seven. 1642, and answer of the cardinal, Bologna, 14 seven. 1642, in Italian (126); Decree of Emperor Ferdinand III, in favor of the republic of Genoa, 1642, in Latin (127); - “Capitoli per li governatori dell 'armamento libero,” Genoa, in-fol., impr. (127a); - Letter from the Republic of Venice, on the confiscation of the principality of Castro, 25 May 1643, in Italian (129); Acts of the investiture of the duchy of Milan, given by Emperor Maximilian I to Ludovico Sforza, and the solemn possession of the duchy, “in capelli ducali arcis Mediolanensis,” 28 May 1495, in part of the hand of N. Camusat (131); - "Like Philippes II, Philippes III and Phil Colombo, in-fol. (144); “Porfil (sic) de Mourgues Monaco,” sketch with feather (145); - Letters of the prince of Monaco Honoré II to the prince of Valtidaro, his uncle, 22 nov. 1641, in Italian (146); and to M. de Fontaine, 20 dec. 1641, in Italian (152); - “Princess resolution by the prince of Mourgues to withdraw from the hands of the Spaniards” (149); - Negotiations and treaty of the prince of Monaco with Louis XIII, Péronne, seven. 1641 (155); - Statement by Honoré II, Prince of Monaco, 18 Nov. 1641, in-4 °, impr. (161); - Letter from the Count of Alais Louis de Valois, Count of Angoulême, to the Parliament of Paris (165); - “Remonstrations of the nullity of the confederations between the roys of Spain and the princes of Monaco, and of the just causes of revoking them in the way that is followed by them; translated from Italian,” small in-fol., impr. (167); “Advis of the Duke of Nevers Louis de Gonzague at the Henry III rock, so as not to return to the duke of Savoye Emmanuel-Philibert the towns and squares of Pinerol and Savillan...,” Pignerol, 13 Oct. 1574 (174); - “The relationship of Mr. N. of Conan of what he had shown to the Roy, on the part of the Duke of Nevers, on the alienation of Pinerol, Savillan and the Perugia,” Pignerol, 18 Oct. 1574 (182); - Treaty between Henry III and Duke Emmanuel-Philibert of Savoy, for the restitution of the cities of Pignerol, Savigliano, etc., Turin, 14 Dec. 1574 (194); Plan of the city of Coni, showing the positions occupied by the French army in 1641 (206); - Letter from “Baudier” to Pierre Dupuy, “from the camp in front of Turin,” 22 seven. 1640, autogr., stamps (207); - “Articles of the Merit surrender for the redition of Turin” (209), followed by “Articles secretz,” in French and Italian (217 and 219); - Letter from the Municipality of Turin to the King Louis XIII, s. d., in Italian (221); - Promises of Prince Thomas of Savoy to Louis XIII, Ivrée, 2 dec. 1640, in Italian (223); - Draft treaty between Louis XIII and Thomas de Savoie, 1640 (225); - Statement by Chrestienne de Savoie, Turin, 14 March 1641, in Italian, in-fol., impr. (231), and in French, in-4 °, impr. (232); - Miscellaneous documents on the disputes between Chrestienne de France and the princes of Savoie (236); - Treaty between Louis XIII and the princes of Savoie, Pierrelatte, 14 June 1642 (248); - “N ° 129. Extraordinary of VI October M.DC.XLII, containing... the articles grant between Mrs. Chrestienne de France and the princes of Savoye...,” Turin, 14 June 1642, in-4 °, impr. (242); Harangues of James I, King of England, in Parliament, 1621 (255); 3 Nov. 1640 (265), and relationship of this session of the Parliament (266); - “Relationship of England, of what happened to the nation and death of the Viceroy or Lieutenant of Ireland, named Thomas Wentworth, Count of Straeffort” (289 and 296); etc. Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution. Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : MAEDI002 Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : MAEDIGen0 Copies.On peut signaler dans ce volume les pièces suivantes : Lettre de Laurent de Médicis, au sujet de l'assassinat d'Alexandre de Médicis, duc de Florence, s. d., en italien (4) ; — Lettre du cardinal Charles de Lorraine, archevêque de Reims, au pape Pie IV, pour lui recommander Jean -Jacques Amyot, présenté par le Roi Charles IX à la dignité d'abbé de S.-Corneille de Compiègne, s. d., minute, en latin (11) ; — Lettre du chapitre de N.-D. de Paris au Collège des cardinaux, 20 oct. 1568, en latin (12) ; — Lettres de l'évêque de Tours, Simon de Maillé-Brézé au Pape Pie V, au sujet de Guillaume Ruzé, évêque désigné de Saint-Malo (13), et d'Urbain de Saint-Gelais, évêque désigné de Comminges (13 v°), Tours, 5 sept. 1569 ; minutes, en latin ; — Lettre de l'archevêque de Reims Louis de Guise à un cardinal, au sujet de la promotion au cardinalat de l'anglais Guillaume Alain, Reims, 1er sept. 1587, minute, en latin (15) ;Lettres patentes de Henri III, portant nomination du cardinal de Joyeuse à la dignité de protecteur des affaires du Roi en cour de Rome, Paris, 16 fév. 1587 (17) ; — Décret de la Congrégation consistoriale, relative aux enquêtes sur les candidats aux dignités épiscopale et abbatiale, 19 mars 1631, en latin (19) ; — Décret de l'Inquisition, interdisant d'étudier et de publier un manuscrit en arabe, grec et latin, attribué à S. Jean l'Évangéliste, ainsi que d'autres manuscrits et lamelles de plomb couvertes de caractères arabes, attribués à l'apôtre S. Jacques, trouvés le premier à Grenade en 1588, les seconds à Valparaiso en 1595 et 1596, Rome, 5 mai 1639, in-fol., impr. (25) ;Acte notarié, relatif à un procès pour voies de fait intenté à Quentin Charlier, intendant du maréchal François-Annibal d'Estrées, ambassadeur à Rome, par Jean-Jacques Bouchard, 18 avril 1641 (26) ; — « Testamento dell' Eminentissimo sigr cardinale di Bagno Gianfrancesco Bagni », Rieti, 24 mars 1638, in-fol., impr. (27) ; — Décrets de l'Inquisition, prohibant l'Augustinus de Jansénius et tous les livres, thèses, brochures, etc. publiés pour ou contre cet ouvrage, Rome, 1er août 1641, in-fol., impr. (29) ; et le livre de Michel Rabardeau, S. J., Optatus Gallus de cavendo schismate etc., benigna manu sectus, 18 mars 1643, in-fol., impr. (31) ; — Bulle d'Urbain VIII, interdisant l'usage du tabac dans les églises ou sur le parvis des églises de la ville et du diocèse de Séville, Rome, 30 janv. 1642, in-fol., impr. (30) ;Relation de l'ambassade du maréchal François-Annibal d'Estrées à Mantoue, 1630 (32) ; — Relation des différends survenus entre les Barberini et le duc de Parme Odoardo Farnese (92) ; et autres pièces relatives à la même affaire, en italien (100 et 102) ; — Sentence rendue à Rome contre les prétentions d'Odoardo Farnese, duc de Parme, 13 janv. 1642, in-4°, impr. (120) ; — Édits de la Chambre apostolique, interdisant de prendre les armes en faveur du duc de Parme, Rome, 26 sept. 1641, in-fol., impr. (124), et mettant à l'encan la ville de Castro et tous les biens appartenant au duc, 13 fév. 1642, in-fol., impr