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  • Kuletin-Ćulafić Irena


    This PhD thesis represents further contribution to the study and research of aesthetics and theory of architecture. The framework of this PhD thesis is scientific aesthetics of architecture established and conceived by Milutin Borisavljevic, Serbian architect and esthetician, during second decade of 20th century. Milutin Borisavljevic, who was an architect, theorist, critic, esthetician of architecture and scientist which studied optical and physiological phenomena, left behind rich legacy consisted of more than one hundred thirty buildings, close to one hundred unrealized projects, drawings, sketches, twenty published books, over one hundred seventy scientific papers and dozens of critics published in Serbian and French newspapers, collections and magazines. The main reason for creation of this PhD lies in the fact that fullness and variety of Milutin Borisavljevic creative work to this date have remained unexplored area. No comprehensive scientific study has been written about Milutin Borisavljevic and his scientific aesthetics of architecture. His work in architectural design was partially subject of analysis of some authors in the form of short study texts, however, no one fully explored his theoretical concept of scientific aesthetics of architecture. Although several researchers emphasized global significance and importance of Milutin Borisavljevic`s work in the field of aesthetics, in the local environment, his great contribution to the aesthetics of architecture has been forgotten and not fully recognized. vi Often we come across a statement that Borisavljevic`s aesthetics theory is something valuable and very important which makes the whole world remembers his name, but nowhere is to be found what the scientific aesthetics of architecture exactly is. What kind of area is this or what kind of aesthetics? What problems fall in the area of the aesthetics in question? On this key questions and many others this PhD thesis strives to answer. Ova doktorska disertacija predstavlja doprinos proučavanju i istraživanju estetike i teorije arhitekture. Okosnicu rada čini naučna estetika arhitekture koju je zasnovao i koncipirao srpski arhitekta i estetičar Milutin Borisavljević u drugoj deceniji XX veka. Milutin Borisavljević je bio arhitekta, teoretičar, kritičar, estetičar arhitekture i naučnik koji se bavio izučavanjem optičko- fizioloških fenomena, za sobom je ostavio bogatu zaostavštinu koja broji preko sto trideset izvedenih građevina, oko sto neizvedenih projekata, crteža i skica, osamnaest objavljenih knjiga, blizu sto sedamdeset naučnih radova, i više desetina kritičkih tekstova publikovanih u srpskim i francuskim novinama, zbornicima i časopisima. Glavni razlog za nastanak ove doktorske disertacije nalazi se u činjenici da je bogato i raznovrsno stvaralaštvo Milutina Borisavljevića do danas ostalo neistražena oblast. O Milutinu Borisavljeviću i njegovoj naučnoj estetici arhitekture nije napisana nijedna sveobuhvatna naučna studija. Njegov projektantski rad delimično je bio predmet analiza pojedinih autora u vidu kratkih studijskih tekstova, međutim niko nije u celosti istražio Borisavljevićev teorijski koncept naučne estetike arhitekture. Iako je više istraživača isticalo važnost i značaj koji pripadaju Milutinu Borisavljeviću u svetskim analima estetike, u svojoj lokalnoj sredini taj veliki doprinos estetici arhitekture je zaboravljen. Često možemo naići na konstatacije da Borisavljevićev rad u oblasti estetike predstavlja nešto dragoceno i veoma značajno, po čemu ceo svet pamti njegovo ime, ali nigde ne možemo naći objašnjenje šta zaista predstavlja naučna estetika arhitekture? Kakva je to oblast ili vrsta estetike? I koji su to problemi kojima se ova estetika bavi? Na ova ključna i mnoga druga pitanja nastoji da odgovori ova doktorska disertacija.