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  • Dostić Siniša


    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- The subject of research in this doctoral thesis is Border Security as Part of Modern System of Combating Organized Crime. From the aspect of security sciences, organized crime, with an emphasized cross-border feature, represents one of the socially most dangerous forms of crime in current circumstances when relativizing of the border control measures has been achieved to a lesser or larger extent. Therefore, this paper aims to elaborate on the significance of the efficient delivery and development of the border security system within a broader system of combating this type of crime. Primarily, the paper presents a brief historical overview of the organized crime development, followed by an analysis of the organized crime term definition in the system of scientific disciplines, international and national legislation. It also explains phenomenological features of organized crime worldwide, in the region of Western Balkans and in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, including the most important forms of its manifestation. Second Chapter addresses legislative and institutional elements of the modern system of combating organized crime in specific countries of the world, Western Balkans region and in the Republic of Serbia, whilst emphasizing the most relevant preventative and repressive activities of entities within such a system. The last Chapter encompasses a comparative overview of the border security system in specific states, and thereafter stresses basic determinants of the border security systems in the European Union Member States and Western Balkans region, thus underscoring the significance of integrated border management as European model of border management. In addition, this Chapter deals with the development of the border security system in the Republic of Serbia, thereby demonstrating its contribution to the modern system of combating organized crime, which is followed by the analysis of the results achieved through preventative and repressive activities of the integrated border management entities, as an currently applicable border security system. A research of multidisciplinary character was undertaken, having in mind that the subject matter of this research was looked at from aspects of different scientific disciplines. The onset and development of organized crime, as well as of state borders and border agencies, belongs to the science of history observed from the disciplinary perspective. The part of this paper referring to incrimination of punishable acts related to organized crime belongs to criminal law. Criminology is dealing with the phenomenon of organized crime in its essence. Organization of work, methods and procedures, as well as other segments of the police work, and thereby border police, are being studied through the Police Science, Criminalistics and other, similar scientific disciplines. Fundamental objective of this research is theoretical and empirical comprehension of the organized crime phenomenon, i.e. its phenomenological characteristics in the Republic of Serbia and Western Balkans region, and structure of the modern system of combating organized crime and importance of integrated border management as a part of that system. The complexity of this problem research required complementary application of several research methods (analysis of existing literature, secondary data analysis, statistical method, content analysis, comparative method, in-depth interviews and case studies). Scientific goal of the research in this doctoral thesis is reflected in complementing and systematizing scientific and theoretical knowledge on border security, organized crime and significance of border security in scope of the modern system of combating this type of crime. Practical aim of this research is to make an overview of the current situation in functioning of the modern system of combating organized crime, as well as to come to scientific knowledge for improvement of preventative and repressive actions of the border security entities, as its integral part. Findings of this research might be useful for specialized state authorities such as judiciary, prosecutor’s office and police in relation to preventative and repressive actions aimed at combating organized crime. Besides, observed from the aspect of scientific and social justification, the research conceived in this way represents the basis enabling further research in this area. Knowledge acquired through this research may be included into educational curricula of respective higher education institutions, but also in curricula for professional development of members of agencies and bodies encompassed by the border security system. Likewise, the research results may contribute to raising awareness of the public and strengthening participation of social entities in the area of prevention and suppression of organized crime, by stressing the importance of efficient delivery of border security. Comprehensive analysis of the research topic demonstrated that organized crime is being manifested with the same or similar phenomenological characteristics in the areas of all Western Balkans countries, thus the efficient delivery of border security realized through preventative and repressive activities of the integrated border management entities represents an important part of the modern system of combating this social phenomenon as in the Republic of Serbia, so in the region and wider. At the end of my doctoral thesis and based on the conclusions reached, proposed measures were also indicated that could contribute to improved functioning of all border security segments, that is, integrated border management, within the modern system of combating organized crime taking into account global trends of constant increase in cross-border organized criminal activities (illegal migrations, drug smuggling, classic weapons and mass destruction weapons smuggling, radioactive material smuggling, etc.), as well as other security challenges, risks and threats.- Predmet istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je Bezbednost granica kao deo savremenog sistema suprotstavljanja organizovanom kriminalu. Sa aspekta bezbednosnih nauka, organizovani kriminal, sa izraženom karakteristikom prekograničnosti, u aktuelnoj situaciji, kada je u manjem ili većem obimu dostignuta relativizacija mera granične kontrole, predstavlja jedan od društveno najopasnijih oblika kriminala. U disertaciji je, stoga, sagledan značaj efikasnog ostvarivanja i razvoja sistema bezbednosti granica u okviru šireg sistema suprotstavljanja tom obliku kriminala. Najpre je dat kratak istorijski osvrt na razvoj organizovanog kriminala, a zatim su analizirane definicije pojma organizovanog kriminala u sistemu naučnih disciplina, međunarodnom i domaćem zakonodavstvu. Objašnjena su i fenomenološka obeležja organizovanog kriminala u svetu, u regionu zapadnog Balkana i na području Republike Srbije, uključujući najznačajnije oblike njegovog ispoljavanja. U drugom poglavlju sagledani su legislativni i institucionalni elementi savremenog sistema suprotstavljanja organizovanom kriminalu, u pojedinim zemljama sveta, regiona zapadnog Balkana i u Republici Srbiji, uz apostrofiranje najvažnijih preventivnih i represivnih aktivnosti subjekata tog sistema. U poslednjem poglavlju predstavljen je komparativni prikaz sistema bezbednosti granica u pojedinim zemljama sveta, a zatim su istaknute osnovne odrednice sistema bezbednosti granica zemalja Evropske unije i regiona zapadnog Balkana, ukazajući na značaj integrisanog upravljanja granicom kao evropskog modela upravljanja granicama. U nastavku ovog poglavlja obrađen je razvoj sistema bezbednosti granica u Republici Srbiji, ukazano na njegov doprinos savremenom sistemu suprotstavljanja organizovanom kriminalu, a zatim su i analizirani ostvareni rezultati preventivnih i represivnih aktivnosti subjekata integrisanog upravljanja granicom, kao aktuelnog sistema bezbednosti granica. Sprovedeno istraživanje je multidisciplinarnog karaktera, budući da je predmet istraživanja razmotren sa aspekta različitih naučnih disciplina. Nastanak i razvoj organizovanog kriminala, kao i državnih granica i graničnih službi, disciplinarno pripada istorijskoj nauci. Deo disertacije koji se odnosi na inkriminisanost kažnjivih dela vezanih za organizovani kriminal pripada Krivičnom pravu. Fenomen organizovanog kriminala suštinski proučava Kriminologija. Organizaciju rada, metode i procedure, te ostale segmente u radu policije, a time i granične policije, proučavaju Nauka o policiji, Kriminalistika i druge, srodne naučne discipline. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja jeste teorijska i empirijska spoznaja pojave organizovanog kriminala, odnosno njegovih fenomenoloških obeležja u Republici Srbiji i regionu zapadnog Balkana, te strukture savremenog sistema suprotstavljanja organizovanom kriminalu i značaja integrisanog upravljanja granicom kao dela tog sistema. Složenost ovog problema istraživanja zahtevala je komplementarno korišćenje više metoda istraživanja (analiza postojeće literature, sekundarne analize podataka, statistička metoda, analiza sadržaja, komparativni metod, dubinski intervju i studije slučaja). Naučni cilj istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ogleda se u upotpunjavanju i sistematizovanju naučno-teorijskih saznanja o bezbednosti granica, organizovanom kriminalu i značaju bezbednosti granica u okviru savremenog sistema suprotstavljanja tom obliku kriminala. Praktični cilj istraživanja jeste sagledavanje aktuelnog stanja u funkcionisanju savremenog sistema suprotstavljanja organizovanom kriminalu, te obezbeđivanje naučnih znanja na osnovu kojih se može unaprediti preventivno i represivno delovanje subjekata bezbednosti granica, kao njegovog sastavnog dela. Rezultati istraživanja mogli bi poslužiti i specijalizovanim državnim organima kao što su sudstvo, tužilaštvo i policija, na planu preventivnog i repres