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  • Grubišić, Neven

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- U radu su istraženi operativni logistički problemi koji se javljaju prilikom obavljanja tehnoloških procesa u obalnom podsustavu lučkih kontejnerskih terminala. Cilj istraživanja je strukturirati optimizacijski model u svrhu potpore taktičkom planiranju na lučkim kontejnerskim terminalima do 1 milijun kontejnera godišnje koji su tipični za šire regionalno okruženje. U užem smislu optimizacijski model rješava problem kod različitih tlocrtnih konfiguracija lučkih pristana gdje su dva pristana postavljena prostorno neovisno. Kao rezultat istraživanja razvijen je integrirani model optimizacije kod neovisno postavljenih pristana za kompletan obalni podsustav koji objedinjuje tri tipska problema: problem dodjele veza, problem raspodjele dizalica i problem redoslijeda prekrcajnih operacija, a predstavljen je optimizacijskim procesom u tri faze: inicijalizacije, raspoređivanja i usklađivanja. Tipično obilježje procesa je izbor optimalnog scenarija prekrcaja koji se dobije kao rezultat optimizacijske funkcije definirane ukupnim najkraćim vremenom boravka brodova u luci i optimalnog iskorištenja kapaciteta prihvatnih i prekrcajnih resursa. Kao rezultat optimizacije za svaki brod se odabiru tri najbolja scenarija prekrcaja, ovisno o rasporedu tereta na brodu i specifičnim zahtjevima brodara. Za razvoj modela korištene su metode operacijskih istraživanja: metode linearnog i cjelobrojnog programiranja te metoda asignacije. Model je testiran na temelju simuliranih dolazaka brodova na uzorku od 100 brodova raspoređenim u grupe po 10, 15 i 20 brodova sukladno očekivanom vremenskom horizontu planiranja. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju primjenljivost modela za rješavanje taktičko-operativnih problema u obalnom podsustavu ciljanih lučkih kontejnerskih terminala.- The present paper addresses the tactical logistical problems in the seaside subsystem of port container terminals. The research goal is to structure optimization model to support tactical planning in maritime container terminals with annual capacity below 1 million TEU per year, which are typical for wider regional environment. In the narrow sense, the optimization model solves the problem with different basin layouts where two quays are placed independently. As a result of research, an integrated optimization model has been developed for the seaside subsystem that combines three typical logistical problems: Berth Allocation Problem, Quay Crane Assignment Problem and Quay Crane Scheduling Problem. The model is represented by the optimization process to takes up in three stages: initialization, allocation and synchronization. A typical feature of the process is the selection of the optimal handling scenario which is obtained as a result of the optimization function defined by the minimum total service time of ships in port and the optimum utilization of the quay cranes capacity. As a result of the optimization, for each ship the best suite handling scenario is selected among three pre-defined options, depending on the stowage location onboard and depending on specific requirements of shippers. The methods of operations research has been used in the developing models, that is, methods of linear and integer programming and the assignment method. The model is tested on a sample of 100 virtually generated vessels with simulated stochastic times of arrivals and cargo handling demand. Vessels are arranged in groups of 10, 15 and 20 in accordance with the expected time horizon planning. The results show the applicability of the model for solving tactical operational problems in the seaside subsystem of targeted port container terminals.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana