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  • Vlastelica, Goran

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    Provider: - Institution: University of Split. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy. - Data provided by Europeana Collections- Na primjeru lapora kao gradiva s područja Dalmacije i zasjeka kao primjera geotehničkog zahvata u prirodi, sagledani su osnovni procesi koji dovode do pojave rastrošbe, ali i posljedice iste koje se u konačnici manifestiraju in situ. Upotrebom klasičnih laboratorijskih tehnika mehanike stijena, uz nadopune, izmjene i reinterpretaciju kriterija, provedeno je sustavno istraživanje utvrđivanja podložnosti gradiva rastrošbi. Istraživanje je provedeno na intaktnim uzorcima, ali i na uzorcima pri različitim fazama laboratorijski oponašane rastrošbe. Pritom su uočene određene manjkavosti uvriježenih klasifikacija te su predložene izmjene i dodaci. Rezultati su izraženi putem indeksa trajnosti I parametara posmične čvrstoće pri različitim fazama degradacije gradiva uslijed rastrošbe. Osim klasičnih laboratorijskih tehnika upotrjebljene su i dosad neuvriježene tehnike temeljene na VIS-NIR spektrometriji. Prvi rezultati pokazuju da je moguće detektirati ključne mineraloške komponente ovog tipa gradiva, ali još važnije i na mogućnost procjene podložnosti rastrošbi. Nadalje, izvršen je niz opažanja zasjeka na 14 pilot lokacija koristeći TLS za kreiranje 3D modela morfologije zasjeka. Istraživanje je provedeno za različite vremenske korake i broj opažanja, pritom omogućujući definiranje prosječnih stopa erozije zasjeka u ovom tipu gradiva, kao osnove za izradu prognoznih i povratnih analiza. Na koncu su provjereni poznati matematički modeli razvoja erozije na zasjecima te su predložene smjernice za korištenje.- The Thesis describes basic processes which lead to weathering of soft rock and their typical manifestations on situ. For that, marl from Eocene flysch strata that can be found in Dalmatia, was used as an example of soft rock, while the usual form of open cut slopes was used as an example of a geotechnical construction. A systematic study was carried out using the conventional rock mechanics laboratory techniques and apparatuses, with some additions as well as changes in the procedure and the reinterpretation of some general criteria, all in favour of determining the best way to evaluate material’s susceptibility to weathering. In addition to standard laboratory techniques, new testing procedure based on VIS-NIR spectrometry was also used. First results show that it is possible to detect key mineralogical components for this type of material, and more importantly, the ability to assess susceptibility to weathering. Furthermore, a series of observations in manmade cuts at 14 pilot sites using terrestrial laser scanner were made. For the purpose of forecasting and retrograde analysis, the survey was conducted in different time intervals and number of observations, all for purpose of defining the average rate of erosion in cuts of this type of material. Consequently, two known mathematical models for development of erosion in cuts are calibrated and the guidelines on their usage are proposed.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana