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  • 10/10/1990
    Video Recording

    Extended description: <!--if !mso> <mce:style><! st2:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }st1:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } --> Strokovni posvet, ki ga je sklical dr. Leo Šešerko, podpredsednik Izvršnega sveta Republike Slovenije in član stranke Zeleni Slovenije za iskanje rešitve za odpravo posledic onesnaževanja. V semiški Iskri so do srede osemdesetih let v okolje izpuščali strupene kemikalije; arhivski posnetki Krupe iz l. 1985, predsednik Zelenih Slovenije dr. Dušan Plut, izjava primarij Anton Farazinc, Univerzitetni zavod za zdravstveno in socialno varstvo. Expert consultation convened by Dr. Leo Šešerko, vice president of the Executive Council of the Republic of Slovenia and a member of the Green Party of Slovenia, was called upon to come up with a solution in order to overcome the effects of massive industrial pollution. Up until the mid-eighties, the Iskra Company was releasing toxic chemicals into the natural environment of the Krupa River. The President of the Greens of Slovenia Dr. Dušan Plut and also Anton Farazinc from the University Institute for Health and Social Care make a statement regarding the issue at hand. Information: Expert consultation on how to eliminate the long - lasting effects of pollution in the Krupa River with PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls). Original language summary: Strokovni posvet Zelenih za odpravo posledic onesnaženosti reke Krupe s PCB (polikloniranimi bifenili) iz osemdesetih let.