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    117 - caption:\ "Kisimaio, formerly of Juboland (Kenia), is now the capital of the Italian Extregiuba, extreme strip of Somalia, on the borders of the English colony of Kenia\" 204 - Italian flags fly atop the crenelated walls of the fort. 193 - Lessona and other Italian authorities arrive and greet the armed men 230 - caption:\... "that like all the warlike actions of the indigenous, culminates in a lively 'fantasy' of war\" 113 - while Somalis pour water from some bottles, Lessona and Rava wet their heads\ "baptizing\" 225 - a Somali warrior screams, standing on the top of a tree 34 - the Italian authorities perform the fascist salute in front of the monument 246 - a teleferic in operation for salt transport 139 - Italian hunters accompanied by color guides 209 - Lessona performs the fascist salute, greeting the ascari 95 - a Somali cuts the belly of the animal's body 3 - caption:\ "today, for the watchful impulse of the fascist government and the tenacious industriousness of numerous Italian dealers, is in full prosperity\" 67 - ex-combatants sit around long boards, outdoors, consuming the meal 75 - Somalis while dancing in honor of Italian authorities 88 - caption:\ "the hunt for crocodiles by the indigenous people is continuous and ruthless, because over 500 people disappear, every year, without leaving trace\" 102 - caption:\ "Alessandra: very important agrarian center in the fertile region of Juba\" 24 - the images flow on the\ "\ fantasies" of the different Somali groups 92 - the crocodile is reversed to the ground, killed, and a Somali cuts his head 194 - caption:\ "at the wells of Uegit: a trough of camels\" 126 - the male population is aligned in the street and performs the fascist salute 39 - caption:\... "agricultural center of maximum importance for sure and great future, where numerous concessionaires -fiery and unconventional pioneers - grow bananas, cocci, cotton, peanuts, castor, cassia, corn etc.." 94 - caption:\ "the bone or metal rings found in their stomachs, sometimes serve to identify some of the many missing persons\" 155 - the departments of the ascari parade before the Italian authorities 243 - caption:\ "in HORDIO and Dante (Hafun): the visit of one of the most perfect and important salt marsh centers in the world\" 144 - the group of Italian authorities, including a woman, leaves the tents with rifles and starts for a hunting trip 73 - Somalis in the square greet the authorities in a fascist way 195 - camels and local people water wells 178 - the route of the railway line leading from Djibouti to Addis Ababa is highlighted on paper. 18 - the group of authorities walks greeting people on the sides 125 - the population of Afmandù welcomes the Italian authorities 165 - a woman washes her immersed face, up to her knees, in the water of a well 211 - caption:\ "the 'fantasies' of Oddur's women call in memory the ancient Spanish domination\" 182 - people start to get off and unload their luggage 70 - panoramic views, from above, of the crowd gathered outdoors in front of a building in Merca 2 - the caption appears:\ "Somalia, a region where at one time the pitfalls of nature allied to those of its wild people.\" 64 - caption:\ "the delivery of the new beam tiles of 'Vittorio d'Africa'\" 212 - a group of Somali women dance and clap their hands 191 - of the ascari enter the enclosure of a military camp (?) 17 - a group of Balilla and young Italians welcomes and greets the authorities 21 - the procession enters the courtyard of the governor's Palace 203 - group of Italian authorities heads to the entrance of the fort 104 - arrival of cars with Italian authorities on board 222 - Lessona gives recognition to Dubat warriors 10 - the authorities greet each other on board the ship Crispi 121 - Somali men and women play and dance 118 - crowd gathered in front of a palace 115 - Lessona, Rava and the other Italians toast 114 - the group of Italian authorities jokes 109 - caption:\ "the passage of the equator\" 107 - the river 101 - three Italians in the bush 1 -\ "PART\ FIRST" 116 - while Somalis perform fascist greeting, cars with Italian authorities on board cross the equator line 240 - Italian authorities are stationary in the desert, supporting near cars, during a sandstorm 106 - a building on whose roof flies the Italian flag 227 - moments of the simulation of open field cattle raid 46 - Italian authorities visit banana plantation 23 - caption:\ "all the 'Cabile'de' surroundings, agreed in Mogadishu, express with fantasies their joy and devotion to the representative of the (SERCAL) government of Italy\" 221 - caption:\ "rewards the value of the 'Dubat' most distinguished in action war\" 105 - the population, deployed on the sides of the street, performs the fascist salute 224 - caption:\ "interesting 'tactic' for a simulated raid of cattle\" 169 - panoramic views of cultivated fields and plantations 159 - the caption appears:\ "La S.A.I.S. (Italo Somala agricultural society) founded and directed by S.A.R. the Duke of Abruzzi - first among all the farmers of our colonies-.\" 154 - moments of a military parade, along a road in Mogadishu, in front of the authorities 37 - a group of Somalis greets, in a fascist way, Lessona and Rava, with their follow-up 59 - caption:\ "at 9000 km. from the homeland numerous dealers -almost all ex-combatants and fascist- meet on the government agricultural experimental farm to celebrate the XXIV may of the year x\" 12 - Ascari affixed behind a group of rocks, facing the sea, shoot cannon shots 252 - panoramic view of a village by the sea 97 - caption:\ "the Juba majestic perennial stream river, crosses much of the colony\" 235 - dromedary caravan along the river bank: in the foreground a man takes water from the river 208 - a body of the Marcia ascari running in an open field 213 - caption:\ "at MUSTAIL. in the new field of 'Dubat' the tricolor\" rises, for the first time. 232 - caption:\ "BELET UEN: military field towards boundaries\" 30 - the authorities arrive in front of the monument and leave the car 8 - a ship is moored offshore while two rowing boats land at shore. 103 - views of Alessandra's huts and population 96 - another man extracts from the gut of the crocodile of the rings and shows them 51 - Somalis, in Indian row, carry on their shoulders helmets of newly collected bananas 19 - a Mogadishu road with crowds shelved at the sides 93 - a Somali shows the mozza head of the crocodile, then opens the jaws of the trophy macabre to show the denture 77 - the population of the locality Brava greets and acclaims the visiting Italian authorities 157 - in an aviation camp another parade of the ascari takes place in front of the authorities 49 - Somali peasants hoe and work the land in a field while Italians observe 183 - men of color charge on a wagon goods of the cordage 192 - caption:\ "in abyssal territory the son of an Ethiopian ras pays homage to S.E. Lessona\" 180 - on the last wagon, from the windows, a group of Italians in uniform protrudes 133 - the caption appears:\ "the fauna of Somalia is among the richest in the world\" 4 -\ "Mogadishu: white and sunny capital of Somalia\" 40 - Somali workers plow a field with the help of oxen 89 - a still alive crocodile is tied with ropes and surrounded by a group of Somalis 83 - numerous bird nests on the branches of a plant 32 - framing of some dignitaries and Somali chiefs, in ceremony dresses 72 - Italian authorities observe people from the balcony of a palace 99 - Somali intent on building a bridge under the leadership of an Italian 207 - after a brief interruption of the images appears the caption:\ "balances military principals in the interior of the colony\" 108 - a raft - ferry transports Italian authorities to the other side of the river 120 - Lessona and the other Italian authorities pass under the gallery formed by the branches that the Somalis extend upwards, intertwining them 54 - water flows into the duct of a drainage channel 164 - shots of the lush vegetation along the banks of a river 245 - vagoncini, along the tracks, carry the salt they pour in some places 9 - caption:\ "on board the 'Crispi' governor S. Rava gives the benevenuto to S. Lessona, Undersecretary of state, who goes to visit our furthest overseas colony\" 76 - caption:\ "also 'Brava' manifests his enthusiasm\" 149 - the caption appears:\ "return to Mogadishu for the feast of the statute\" 112 - caption:\ "the traditional baptism imposed on anyone who crosses, for the first time, the line that divides the two hemispheres\" 173 - many men of color gathered near an ancient building 242 - Italian authorities stroll, in an oasis, along the shore of a stream 56 - caption:\ "the dam, on the Uebi-Scebeli, is named after the quadrumviro Cesare Maria de Vecchi, under whose government the main hydraulic works of the 'district'\" were devised and carried out. 210 - the ascari marching with the dromedaries loaded with military equipment 216 - Lessona and the other Italian authorities during the ceremony of the delivery of the pennant 100 - Italians and Somalis in activity near the bridge under construction 218 - Rava and other Italians perform the fascist salute 129 - a Somali settles a white band around the body 7 - glimpses and external views of the government Palace 145 - hunters are affixed with rifles between the sterstraw 202 - a group of black men is sitting on the ground at the foot of a tree and seems to participate in a game 27 - the car with the group of Italian authorities on board runs along a Mogadishu road 176 - images of the Eritrea region begin to flow on paper 160 - other caption:\ "is the concessionaire of one of the largest, most fertile and prosperous concessions\" 31 - Italian authorities climb the stairs of the monument 163 - numerous bird nests on the branches of some trees. 233 - military camp on the banks of a river: two ascari converse accosted to a tent 239 - caption:\ "in MIGIURTINIA: through zones flagellated by