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  • Gotal-Dmitrović, Lovorka

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    Provider: - Institution: - Data provided by Europeana Collections- U radu je prikazan razvoj modela složenih, inženjerskih sustava u zaštiti okoliša, na način da su izgrađeni modeli dva stvarna, složena, inženjerska sustava za pročišćavanje vode (otpadne vode Grada Čakovca te površinske vode rijeke Drave u Gradu Belišću). Pomoću ova dva modela razvijen je adaptivni model sustava pročišćavanja vode koja po kvaliteti odgovara otpadnoj komunalnoj vodi, a pročišćuje se u vodu koja po kvaliteti odgovara vodi za ljudsku potrošnju. Predviđena su mjesta potpunog zastoja sustava koji može izazvati materijalne štete, štete u okolišu te utjecati na zdravlje ljudi.- This paper presents the development of complex engineering system models in the environmental protection field of study. For this purpose, the two models of genuine complex engineering systems have been created. Explicitly, these are two water purification systems whereas in one, the municipal waste water from Cakovec has been used and in the other, surface water from the Drava river in Belisce.The two models enabled the development of the adaptive water purification system model, which improves the quality of municipal wastewater and makes it suitable for public consumption. Additionally, the total adaptive system deadlocks, which may cause material or environmental damage and even affect human health, have been predicted.- All metadata published by Europeana are available free of restriction under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. However, Europeana requests that you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all metadata sources including Europeana