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  • Casper, William D; Papa, Stephen M

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management (SAM), 01/2012
    Conference Proceeding

    Security design for a system takes on the personality of the design team. Unfortunately these design teams are often focused within a single engineering discipline, for instance the design team is either composed of mainly software engineers or hardware engineers. The systemic problem is that not only is the design team single discipline focused but they are also normally single discipline trained and educated. Most design engineers have a degree with a single emphasis, such as a software engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, etc. The engineers are not usually trained in-depth in all areas of software, electrical/electronic, chemical, and mechanical engineering, especially as these areas pertain to security and secure processing systems. A multiple disciplined team with a more systems engineering approach is proposed as a near-term solution to this problem, but the proposed long-term solution is a Bachelor/Masters combination degree program with significant advanced course work in multiple engineering discipline areas. Broader education and engineering training in multiple disciplines would further aid a multi-discipline team resulting in more comprehensive security design. This paper describes the types of protection mechanisms individual disciplines offer, describes the added protection robustness achieved as a result of using multiple disciplines, and describes the types of discipline education necessary for a more complete Security Engineering degree. PUBLICATION ABSTRACT