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  • Study of silver and oxide hybrids of catalysts formaldehyde production by using NLP model
    Kovač Kralj, Anita
    Hybrid catalysts are engineered to contain elements of two or more catalysts. Hybrid catalysts are becoming increasingly important advantages for obtaining novel and desirable catalyst activities and ... properties. The nature of a hybridcatalyst can be changed with additional characters. The disadvantages can be divided and the advantages multiplied. This study describes a novel technology for the synthesis of formaldehyde production by using hybrid catalysts and the optimization of them. The nature of the hybrid catalyst can be changed by the addition of positive properties. Both, 100 % oxide and 100 %silver formaldehyde production processes can be optimized during hybrid processes. The application of a nonlinear programming, (NLP) mathematical method can be used for optimizing the hybrids of catalysts consisting of percentages of oxide and silver catalysts. The NLP model contains equations for parametric optimization. The optimized silver process modification was based on 80 % silver catalyst material and the addition of 20 % oxide catalyst. A 20 % change of catalyst can enhance the available heat and product production by 3.8 %.
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 2009
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 13876502