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  • Supporting the development of technical creativity among elementary education students during the COVID-19 pandemic [Elektronski vir]
    Dolenc, Kosta ; Fošnarič, Samo
    t The lockdown and the following closure of the University of Maribor created unequal working conditions among both students and staff in those areas of study where much emphasis is placed on ... practical work. In the Didactics of Science and Technics II course, the content of the course was adapted and designed to focus on technical creativity and monthly project activities instead of prefabricated exercises and products. The exercises consisted of four monthly projects, where students produced various products and reported and presented their results at the end of each project. An evaluation questionnaire was distributed to all participants in the course. The questionnaire was completed by 57 of the total 88 students. The results of the study show that the design of the course, based on technical creativity, fully met and exceeded the expectations of the students and, most importantly, compensated for inequalities and enabled each individual to successfully fulfil the course obligations.
    Type of material - e-article ; adult, serious
    Publish date - 2023
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 146309635