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Programming of CNC milling machines using particle swarm optimizationKlančnik, Simon ...This paper proposes a system for the automatic programming of a CNC milling machine by particle swarm optimization (PSO). In the presented research, each individual swarm particle presents a possible ... NC programme. Voxel representation of machining area was used. Bresenham's algorithm was implemented, for the rasterisation of the cuts. Optimisation with PSO was carried out within avoxelised machining area. The system automatically finds the NC programme for optimal machining. The NC programme guarantees an optimal selection of tools, the shortest possible work and rapid motions, and minimisation of the manufacturing time. Thus,achieving a reduction in machining costs and increased productivity. Testing using test work-pieces and 2.5 D milling confirmed the efficiency of the proposed approach. The proposed intelligent system is easily adaptable for programming other types of CNC machines, by PSO.Source: Materials and manufacturing processes. - ISSN 1042-6914 (Vol. 28, iss. 7, 2013, str. 811-815)Type of material - article, component partPublish date - 2013Language - englishCOBISS.SI-ID - 16252694
source: Materials and manufacturing processes. - ISSN 1042-6914 (Vol. 28, iss. 7, 2013, str. 811-815)
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Klančnik, Simon | 29571 |
Brezočnik, Miran | 12657 |
Balič, Jože | 04011 |
Karabegović, Isak |
Source: Personal bibliographies
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