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  • High-speed photography of shock waves with an adaptive illumination
    Agrež, Vid ; Požar, Tomaž ; Petkovšek, Rok, fizik
    An adaptable, laser-diode-based illumination system was developed to simultaneously visualize the dynamics of slow and fast phenomena in optically transparent media. The system can be coupled with ... still or high-speed cameras and makes it possible to generate an arbitrary train of illumination pulses with a variable pulse duration, pulse energy, and an intrapulse delay with a temporal resolution of 12.5 ns. Its capabilities are presented with selected illustrative visualizations of the dynamics of the shock waves and the cavitation entities generated after the laser-induced breakdown in water.
    Source: Optics letters. - ISSN 0146-9592 (Vol. 45, iss. 6, Mar. 2020, str. 1547-1550)
    Type of material - article, component part ; adult, serious
    Publish date - 2020
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 17080347

source: Optics letters. - ISSN 0146-9592 (Vol. 45, iss. 6, Mar. 2020, str. 1547-1550)
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