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  • Real estate legislation applicable in Kosovo until 1989 in comparison with post 1999 legislation : focus in challenges in construction sector : diploma thesis
    Cosovic, Samina
    The aim of this study is to conduct a research on real estate legislation until 1989 in comparison with legislation after 1999 in Kosovo. The reason for such research is the fact that property rights ... are not determined so easy, it is a sensitive issue which requires precision. The state needs to protect their citizen%s rights by implementing laws properly. The main reason for selecting this topic is to understand how laws have been changing over years, how the political situation influenced it and how did Government of Kosovo regulated such issue and drafted the law. Methodology that I will use in this work-paper is qualitative, where the comparison will be done with literature and legislature review. We have two periods, two different legislatures, before 1989 and after 1999,post-war period, which will be analyzed and compared in order to understand how systems from both periods influenced drafting and implementing laws, concrete real estate and property law, such as its impact on construction sector in Kosovo. In first chapters we will review the legislature from each period that was important for Kosovo, in terms of making laws, with impact of the conflict and political situation. Furthermore, the aim is to analyze the construction sector and how situation on Kosovo had impact on it. Then, we will compare two important periods in Kosovo, before 1989 and post-war period. As mentioned before, legislation in Kosovo changed over years, under different circumstances and had some specific gaps in drafting such law. The main objective is to understand differences between these two periods, challenges that Kosovo faced, such as the future ones and to focus especially on construction sector. Beside comparison, we will make analyzes of the positive and negative sides of the drafted laws and present and future challenges.
    Type of material - undergraduate thesis ; adult, serious
    Publication and manufacture - Prishtina : [S. Cosovic], 2017
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 2053186742

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University Library of the New University, Ljubljana Ljubljana UKNU outside loan 1 cop.
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