ALL libraries (COBIB.SI union bibliographic/catalogue database)
  • Monografija o ISH : neposredna zgodovina: dogodki na ISH : elementi za refleksijo
    Type of material - scientific monograph ; adult, serious
    Edition - Posebna izd.
    Publication and manufacture - Ljubljana : Tropos, društvo za zgodovinsko, socialno in druge antropologije ter kulturne dejavnosti = Tropos, Association for Historical, Social and Other Anthropologies and Cultural Activities = Tropos, association pour anthropologie historique, sociale et autres anthropologies et pour des activités culturelles, 2005
    Language - slovenian, english, french
    ISBN - 961-91533-1-6
    COBISS.SI-ID - 222127616

Library/institution City Acronym For loan Other holdings
Faculty of Arts, Central Humanities Library, Lj. Ljubljana FFLJ reading room 1 cop.
France Bevk Public Library, Nova Gorica Nova Gorica SIKNG reading room 1 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana Ljubljana NUK not for loan 1 cop.
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