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  • Neurophysiologic studies of the penilo-cavernosus reflex : normative data
    Podnar, Simon
    Aims: To determine normative values for the penilo-cavernosus reflex on singleand double pulse electrical, and mechanical stimulation. Methods: All men without neurologic disorder, with normal ... neurologic examination, and with bilaterally normal quantitative electromyography of the external anal sphincter muscles referred for sacral neurophysiologic studies in the years 2003-2005 were included. The penilo-cavernosus reflex was studied on single and double electrical, and mechanical stimulation. Responses were detected by a needle electrode inserted consecutively into the left and right bulbocavernosus muscle. In each subject, latency of the response, and using electrical stimulation, the sensory threshold, reflex threshold and stimulation strength, were determined. Normative values were calculated using parametric statistics and optimal data transformations. Results: In all 26 menwith minor non-neurogenic sacral dysfunction reflex responses were recordedusing each stimulation technique. Minimal latencies of reflex responses (in msec) were 29.88 +/- 5.65 (upper limit: 39.4), 30.00 +/- 4.11 (36.0), 28.16 +/- 5.80 (35.5) on single electrical, double electrical and mechanical stimulation, respectively. Sensory thresholds (in mA) were 7.80 +/-2.73 (upper limit: 14.5) and 6.08 +/- 2.30 (10.5), and reflex thresholds (in mA) 25.36 +/- 11.04 (upper limit: 49.6) and 12.78 +/- 6.06 (26.9) on single and double electrical stimulation, respectively. Conclusion: The obtained normative values for latency on single electrical and mechanical stimulation were similar to those previously published. Additional data on latency on double electrical stimulation, and on the sensory and reflex thresholds on single and double electrical stimulation are expected to increase the diagnostic utility of the penilo-cavernosus reflex.
    Source: Neurourology and urodynamics. - ISSN 0733-2467 (Letn. 26, št. 6, 2007, str. 864-869)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2007
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 23043033

source: Neurourology and urodynamics. - ISSN 0733-2467 (Letn. 26, št. 6, 2007, str. 864-869)
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