ProceedingsSymposium on Clinical Neurophysiology of Vision and on Eye Movements (2010 ; Ljubljana); Dr. Janez Faganel Memorial Lecture (26 ; 2010 ; Ljubljana)Type of material - proceedings of conference contributions ; adult, seriousPublication and manufacture - Ljubljana : Section for Clinical Neurophysiology of the Slovenian Medical Association, 2010Language - englishISBN - 978-961-6526-38-8COBISS.SI-ID - 252508160
Symposium on Clinical Neurophysiology of Vision and on Eye Movements |
Dr. Janez Faganel Memorial Lecture
Other authors
Brecelj, Jelka |
Zidar, Janez |
Slovensko zdravniško društvo |
Sekcija za klinično nevrofiziologijo |
Slovensko oftalmološko združenje |
Klinični center |
Ljubljana |
Nevrološka klinika |
Inštitut za klinično nevrofiziologijo |
Klinični center |
Ljubljana |
Očesna klinika
Bolečina |
Zdravljenje |
Mednarodna posvetovanja |
Bolečina |
Nevrofiziologija |
Mednarodna posvetovanja |
Library/institution |
City | Acronym | For loan | Other holdings |
MF, Central Medical Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | CMK |
outside loan 1 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | NUK |
reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
University of Maribor Library | Maribor | UKM |
reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
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Brecelj, Jelka | 04409 |
Zidar, Janez | 08780 |
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