Basophil responsiveness in patients with insect sting allergies and negative venom-specific immunoglobulin E and skin prick test resultsKorošec, Peter, 1970- ...Background: Current guidelines do not adequately address the question of how best to manage patients with a convincing history of insect allergy, but negative venom-specific IgE and skin test ... results. Methods: Forty-seven patients out of a total of 1219 (4%), with a positive history of sting allergy, were recruited over a period of 4.5 years. All recruited patients hada convincing history of a severe or a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction of Mueller grade II-IV (median grade III) after Hymenoptera sting, but negative venom-specific IgE and skin prick test results. Diagnostic work-up was prospectively followed by the CD63 basophil activation test and byintradermal skin testing. A control group of 25 subjects was also assessed. Results: Thirty-five out of 47 (75%) patients demonstrated a positive basophilCD63 response after stimulation with bee and/or wasp venom. Intradermal venom skin tests were performed for 37 patients, 17 (46%) of whom showed positive results. Out of 20 patients who demonstrated negative intradermal test results, 12 patients showed a positive CD63 response (60%). In contrast, out of 9 patients who showed a negative CD63 response, only one was detected by intradermal testing (11%). In the control group, only two out of 25 (4%) subjects displayed a positive basophil response and/or intradermal test. Conclusion: Here we show that, in complex cases with inconclusive diagnostic results, the CD63 activation test could be particularly useful and more sensitive than intradermal skin testing.Source: Clinical and experimental allergy. - ISSN 0954-7894 (Letn. 39, št. 11, 2009, str. 1730-1737)Type of material - article, component partPublish date - 2009Language - englishCOBISS.SI-ID - 26253785
Korošec, Peter, 1970- |
Eržen, Renato |
Šilar, Mira |
Bajrović, Nisera |
Kopač, Peter, 1979- |
Košnik, Mitja
Insect Bites And Stings |
Anaphylaxis |
Basophils |
Bee Venoms |
Wasp Venoms |
Ige |
Intradermal Tests |
Bazofilci |
Anafilaksija |
Čebelji strupi |
Osji strupi |
Insekti, ugrizi in piki |
Intradermalni testi |
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Korošec, Peter, 1970- | 22807 |
Eržen, Renato | 25171 |
Šilar, Mira | 25331 |
Bajrović, Nisera | 25336 |
Kopač, Peter, 1979- | 30983 |
Košnik, Mitja | 10921 |
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