Importance of basophil activation testing in insect venom allergyKošnik, Mitja ; Korošec, Peter, 1970-BACKGROUND: Venom immunotherapy (VIT) is the only effective treatment for prevention of serious allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings in sensitized individuals. However, there are still many ... questions and controversies regarding immunotherapy, like selection of the appropriate allergen, safety and long term efficacy. METHODS: Literature review was performed to address the role of basophil activation test (BAT) in diagnosis of venom allergy. RESULTS: In patients with positive skin tests or specific IgE to both honeybeeand wasp venom, IgE inhibition test can identify sensitizing allergen only in around 15% and basophil activation test increases the identification rate to around one third of double positive patients. BAT is also diagnostic in majority of patients with systemic reactions after insect stings and no detectable IgE. High basophil sensitivity to allergen is associated with a risk of side effects during VIT. Persistence of high basophil sensitivity alsopredicts a treatment failure of VIT. CONCLUSION: BAT is a useful tool for better selection of allergen for immunotherapy, for identification of patientsprone to side effects and patients who might be treatment failures. However, long term studies are needed to evaluate the accuracy of the test.Source: Allergy, asthma & clinical immunology [Elektronski vir]. - ISSN 1710-1492 (Letn. 5, št. 1, 2009, str. 11 [1-4])Type of material - e-articlePublish date - 2009Language - englishCOBISS.SI-ID - 26355417
Košnik, Mitja |
Korošec, Peter, 1970-
Bee Venoms |
Wasp Venoms |
Anaphylaxis |
Skin Tests |
Ige |
Cross Reactions |
Basophils |
Lymphocyte Transformation |
Immunotherapy |
Čebelji strupi |
Anafilaksija |
Osji strupi |
Kožni testi |
IgE |
Bazofilci |
Imunoterapija |
Limfocit, transformacija |
Navskrižne reakcije
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