Book of abstractsConference on Experimental and Translational Oncology (7 ; 2013 ; Portorož)Type of material - proceedings ; adult, seriousPublication and manufacture - Ljubljana : Association of Radiology and Oncology, 2013Language - englishISBN - 978-961-91302-4-7COBISS.SI-ID - 266440192
Conference on Experimental and Translational Oncology
Other authors
Serša, Gregor |
Kos, Janko, 1959- |
Lah Turnšek, Tamara |
Čemažar, Maja |
Filipič, Metka, 1954- |
Kranjc Brezar, Simona |
Markelc, Boštjan |
Društvo radiologije in onkologije |
Ljubljana |
COST TD 1104 Action
Eksperimentalna onkologija |
Mednarodna posvetovanja |
translacijska onkologija |
rak (medicina) |
zborniki |
Library/institution |
City | Acronym | For loan | Other holdings |
Institute of Oncology Ljubljana | Ljubljana | OILJ |
outside loan 2 cop.
University Clinic Golnik | Golnik | GOLNIK |
outside loan 1 cop.
University of Maribor Library | Maribor | UKM |
outside loan 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
BF, Department of Food Science and Technology, Lj. | Ljubljana | BFZIV |
reading room 1 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | NUK |
reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
Veterinary Faculty, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | VFLJ |
reading room 1 cop.
BF, Zootechnical Department, Ljubljana | Domžale | BFZOO |
restricted loan – outside loan 1 cop.
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Serša, Gregor | 08800 |
Kos, Janko, 1959- | 04648 |
Lah Turnšek, Tamara | 07802 |
Čemažar, Maja | 14575 |
Filipič, Metka, 1954- | 09892 |
Kranjc Brezar, Simona | 19058 |
Markelc, Boštjan | 32175 |
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