Lipid-protein interactions in exocytotic release of hormones and neurotransmittersRituper, Boštjan ; Davletov, Bazbek ; Zorec, Robert, 1958-Exocytosis is a highly conserved and ubiquitous process of eukaryotic cells responsible for the release of signaling molecules into extracellular space. Exocytosis involves trafficking, docking and ... eventually fusion of vesicles, carrying various cargo, with the plasma membrane. Until recently, the membranefusion was considered to be predominantly mediated by proteins such asSNAP receptors, Muncs and Rabs, where lipids only played a passive role. However, newer studies portray lipids differently. Not only do lipids have a significantly more important role in membrane merger as previously believed, they also appear to be critical for regulating the entire process of exocytosis. The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of specific lipids and lipid-protein interactions in regulated release of neurotransmitters and hormones.Source: Clinical lipidology. - ISSN 1758-4299 (Letn. 5, št. 5, 2010, str. 747-761)Type of material - article, component partPublish date - 2010Language - englishCOBISS.SI-ID - 27590617
Rituper, Boštjan |
Davletov, Bazbek |
Zorec, Robert, 1958-
Exocytosis |
Cholesterol |
Protein Binding |
Signal Transduction |
Membrane Fusion |
Sphingosine |
Lipid Bilayers |
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Diphosphate |
Calcium |
Phospholipases |
Eksocitoza |
Holesterol |
Beljakovine, vezava |
Membrana, zlitje |
Signal, prevajanje |
Fosfatidilinozitol 4,5-difosfat |
Sfingozin |
Lipidna, dvojna plast |
Kalcij |
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Rituper, Boštjan | 32000 |
Davletov, Bazbek | |
Zorec, Robert, 1958- | 03702 |
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