Aluminium-induced changes of fusion pore properties attenuate prolactin secretion in rat pituitary lactotrophsCosta Calejo, Ana-Isabel ...Hormone secretion is mediated by Ca(2+)-regulated exocytosis. The key step of this process consists of the merger of the vesicle and the plasma membranes, leading to the formation of a fusion pore. ... This is an aqueous channel through which molecules stored in the vesicle lumen exit into the extracellular space on stimulation. Here we studied the effect of sub-lethal dose of aluminium onprolactin secretion in isolated rat pituitary lactotrophs with an enzyme immunoassay and by monitoring electrophysiologically the interaction of a single vesicle with the plasma membrane in real time, by monitoring membrane capacitance. After 24-h exposure to sub-lethal AlCl(3) (30 muM), the secretionof prolactin was reduced by 14+/-8% and 46+/-11% under spontaneous and K(+)-stimulated conditions, respectively. The frequency of unitary exocytotic events, recorded by the high-resolution patch-clamp monitoring of membrane capacitance, a parameter linearly related to the membrane area, underspontaneous and stimulated conditions, was decreased in aluminium-treatedcells. Moreover, while the fusion pore dwell-time was increased in the presence of aluminium, the fusion pore conductance, a measure of fusion pore diameter, was reduced, both under spontaneous and stimulated conditions. These results suggest that sub-lethal aluminium concentrations reduce prolactin secretion downstream of the stimulus secretion coupling by decreasing the frequency of unitary exocytotic events and by stabilizing the fusion pore diameter to a value smaller than prolactin molecule, thus preventing its discharge into the extracellular space.Source: Neuroscience. - ISSN 0306-4522 (Vol. 201, 2012, str. 57-66)Type of material - article, component partPublish date - 2012Language - englishCOBISS.SI-ID - 29371609
Costa Calejo, Ana-Isabel |
Jorgačevski, Jernej |
Silva, V.S. |
Stenovec, Matjaž |
Kreft, Marko |
Gonçalves, Paula P. |
Zorec, Robert, 1958-
Pituitary Gland |
Cytology |
Drug Effects |
Cell Membrane Permeability |
Prolactin |
Secretion |
Aluminum |
Toxicity |
Exocytosis |
Rats, Wistar |
Calcium |
Potassium |
Membrane Fusion |
Immunoenzyme Techniques |
Electric Conductivity |
Patch-Clamp Techniques |
Cells, Cultured |
Eksocitoza |
Hipofiza |
Celična membrana, propustnost |
Prolaktin |
Aluminij |
Podgane, Wistar |
Membrana, zlitje |
Imunoencimske tehnike |
Električna prevodnost |
Kalij |
Kalcij |
Snov-vnos, tehnike |
Celične kulture
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Costa Calejo, Ana-Isabel | |
Jorgačevski, Jernej | 27585 |
Silva, V.S. | |
Stenovec, Matjaž | 15467 |
Kreft, Marko | 15666 |
Gonçalves, Paula P. | |
Zorec, Robert, 1958- | 03702 |
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