Ocenjevanje in primerjava krivulj čistega preživetja = Estimation and comparison of net survival curves : doktorsko deloPavlič, KlemenType of material - dissertation ; adult, seriousPublication and manufacture - [Ljubljana : K. Pavlič, 2018]Language - english, slovenianCOBISS.SI-ID - 33726681
https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/Dokument.php?id=110559&lang=slvProst dostop
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Pavlič, Klemen
Other authors
Pohar Perme, Maja |
Stare, Janez, 1952- |
Perman, Mihael |
Andersen, Per Kragh
Medicina |
Zdravstvena statistika |
Krivulje preživetja |
Mere |
Ocene |
Disertacije |
relative survival analyses |
net survival |
methods for comparing curves of net survival |
analiza relativnega preživetja |
čisto preživetje |
metode za primerjavo krivulj čistega preživetja
Library/institution |
City | Acronym | For loan | Other holdings |
MF, Central Medical Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | CMK |
outside loan 2 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | NUK |
reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
University of Maribor Library | Maribor | UKM |
reading room 1 cop.
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Pavlič, Klemen | 37491 |
Pohar Perme, Maja | 23437 |
Stare, Janez, 1952- | 08992 |
Perman, Mihael | 10013 |
Andersen, Per Kragh |
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