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Management of IT outsourcing in the Slovenian public sector - material and procedural aspectsStanimirović, Dalibor ; Vintar, MirkoPublic sector management in Slovenia has been following the trends in information technology (IT) outsourcing since the mid-nineties of the last century. Being aware of the complex role of IT in ... modern public sector organizations and its ubiquitous implications, the paper focuses on in-depth analysis of the critical success factors, benefits and risks within the concept of IT outsourcing, while employing the international studies and primarily the results of own research examining the current situation and identifying the main drivers for IT outsourcing in Slovenian municipalities. The paper additionally analyses the material, procedural and other relevant aspects within the process of IT outsourcing, provides an overview of its potentially positive and negative implications and eventually presents a contextual framework for management of IT outsourcing along with applicable guidelines for effective utilization and implementation of IT outsourcing in the public sector.Source: Uprava = Administration. - ISSN 1581-7555 (Letn. 10, št. 1, mar. 2012, str. 7-39)Type of material - article, component partPublish date - 2012Language - englishCOBISS.SI-ID - 3839406
Stanimirović, Dalibor |
Vintar, Mirko
IT outsourcing |
public sector |
municipal IT outsourcing |
municipal IT outsourcing |
javni sektor |
občina |
poslovna strategija |
IT projekti |
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Stanimirović, Dalibor | 32754 |
Vintar, Mirko | 02262 |
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