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  • NMR Methods for identification of false positives in biochemical screens
    Zega, Anamarija
    Over the past few decades, NMR spectroscopy has become an established tool in drug discovery. This communication will highlight the potential of NMR spectroscopy as a method for identi fi cation of ... problematic compounds and as a valuable aid toward revealing some mechanisms of promiscuous behavior. NMR methods for detecting false positives will be analyzed on the basis of their performance, strengths, limitations, and potential pitfalls. Additionally, this communication aims to provide an insight into the limitations of NMR-based methodologies applied to ligand screening in the context of false-positive hits.
    Source: Journal of medicinal chemistry. - ISSN 0022-2623 (Vol. 60, iss. 23, 2017, str. 9437-9447)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2017
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 4358513

source: Journal of medicinal chemistry. - ISSN 0022-2623 (Vol. 60, iss. 23, 2017, str. 9437-9447)
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