ALL libraries (COBIB.SI union bibliographic/catalogue database)
  • ProBiS-Database : precalculated binding site similarities and local pairwise alignments of PDB structures
    Konc, Janez ...
    ProBiS-Database is a searchable repository of precalculated local structural alignments in proteins detected by the ProBiS algorithm in the Protein Data Bank. Identification of functionally important ... binding regions of the protein is facilitated by structural similarity scores mapped to the query protein structure. PDB structures that have been aligned with a query protein may be rapidly retrieved from the ProBiS-Database, which is thus able to generate hypotheses concerning the roles of uncharacterized proteins. Presented with uncharacterized protein structure, ProBiS-Database can discern relationships between such a query protein and other better known proteins in the PDB. Fast access and a user-friendly graphical interface promote easy exploration of this database of over 420 million local structural alignments. The ProBiS-Database is updated weekly and is freely available online at
    Source: Journal of chemical information and modeling. - ISSN 1549-9596 (Vol. 52, iss. 2, 2012, str. 604-612)
    Type of material - article, component part
    Publish date - 2012
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 4908570