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  • The war lawyers [Elektronski vir] :  the  United States, Israel, and juridical warfare
    Jones, Craig
    Military lawyers have been around for decades, but only recently became involved in lethal targeting decisions: this book shows why and with what consequences. 'The War Lawyers' examines the role of ... laws of war interpreted and applied by military lawyers in targeting decisions. Drawing on a detailed analysis of aerial targeting operations carried out by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Israel military in Gaza, it shows why military lawyers are involved in targeting and with what consequences
    Type of material - e-book ; adult, serious
    Edition - First edition.
    Publication and manufacture - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2021
    Language - english
    ISBN - 978-0-19-187882-4
    COBISS.SI-ID - 50685443


    UPSO - Law

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