ALL libraries (COBIB.SI union bibliographic/catalogue database)
  • Holistični vzgojno-izobraževalni proces in krepitev duševnega zdravja [Elektronski vir] : zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih in strokovnih prispevkov : Za človeka gre: relevanca znanosti in izobraževanja : 8. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo = Holistic educational process and strengthening of mental health : proceedings book with peer review on scientific and professional contributions : All About People: Relevance of Science and Education : 8th scientific conference with international participaton
    Za človeka gre: relevanca znanosti in izobraževanja (konferenca) (2020 ; online)
    Type of material - proceedings of conference contributions ; adult, serious
    Edition - 1. izd.
    Publication and manufacture - Maribor : Alma Mater Europaea - ECM, Alma Mater Press, 2021
    Language - slovenian
    ISBN - 978-961-6966-77-1
    COBISS.SI-ID - 57539587