ALL libraries (COBIB.SI union bibliographic/catalogue database)
  • Krokar Corvus corax na ozemlju Slovenije in bližnje okolice: analiza pojavljanja od pleistocena do danes ter odnos človeka do vrste = The Common Raven Corvus corax within the territory of Slovenia and its neighbouring countries: an analysis of the species occurrence from the Pleistocene to the present time and human's relationship with this bird species
    Vrezec, Al ; Denac, Damijan ; Tome, Davorin
    Type of material - book
    Publication and manufacture - Ljubljana : Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 2009
    Language - slovenian
    COBISS.SI-ID - 743925

Library/institution City Acronym For loan Other holdings
Slovene Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana Ljubljana PMSLJ outside loan 1 cop.
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