Vpliv lipidov na fuzijsko poro v procesu eksocitoze pri podganjih laktotrofih : doktorska disertacija = Effect of lipids on the exocytotic fusion pore in rat lactotrophs : doctoral dissertationFlašker, AjdaType of material - dissertation ; adult, seriousPublication and manufacture - Ljubljana : [A. Flašker], 2013Language - slovenianCOBISS.SI-ID - 784247
Repository of the University of Ljubljana – RUL
Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - dLib.siDostop z namenskih računalnikov v prostorih NUK
Flašker, Ajda
Other authors
Kreft, Marko |
Jorgačevski, Jernej
eksocitoza |
melanotrofi |
laktotrofi |
elektrofiziologija |
membranska kapacitivnost |
mikroskopija SIM |
prolaktinski mešički |
fuzijska pora |
sfingozin |
fingolimod |
proteini SNARE |
proteini SNARE |
exocytosis |
melanotrophs |
lactotrophs |
electrophsiiology |
membrane capacitance |
SIM microscopy |
prolactin vesicles |
fusion pore |
sphingosine |
fingolimod |
SNARE proteins |
SNARE proteins
Library/institution |
City | Acronym | For loan | Other holdings |
BF, Central Biotechnical Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | BFCBK |
outside loan 1 cop.
National Institute of Biology and BF, Department of Biology, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | BFBNIB |
reading room 1 cop.
National and University Library, Ljubljana | Ljubljana | NUK |
reading room 1 cop.
not for loan 1 cop.
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Flašker, Ajda | 32068 |
Kreft, Marko | 15666 |
Jorgačevski, Jernej | 27585 |
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