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Vloga in pomen spremljanja aerobnih sposobnosti otrok pri procesu športne vzgoje = The role and significance of aerobic capacity monitoring during the process of sports education in childrenŠtihec, Jože ; Karpljuk, Damir ; Strel, JankoThe aerobic capacity represents one of the basic human capacities without which serious sports activities are almost unimaginable. Besides being important in sports activities, it also plays a major ... role in everyday life. Therefore heart rate monitoring during sports education classes is no novelty.For more than 25 years, an annual analysis of the state of various motor capacities and morphologic characteristich of schoolchildren in Sloveniahas been carried out at the Faculty of Sports. The results of the past20 years show that aerobic capacities of schoolchildren are decreasing gradually from year to year. These data were also comfirmed by an analysis of the 1991-95 re-sults of seventh grade pupils of all Slovenia primary schools. As the poor state of the aerobic capacities will doubtlessly also be reflectedin other dimensios of the psychosomatic status, these results should cause concern and lead to the search for effective solutions which would turn the development trend of this capacity in a positive direction again.Source: Slovenska pediatrija : revija Združenja pediatrov Slovenije in Združenja specialistov šolske in visokošolske medicine Slovenije. - ISSN 1318-4423 (Let. 3, št. 1/3, 1996, str. 99-102)Type of material - article, component partPublish date - 1996Language - slovenianCOBISS.SI-ID - 79191552
Štihec, Jože |
Karpljuk, Damir |
Strel, Janko
učenci |
osnovne šole |
telesne sposobnosti |
športna vzgoja
source: Slovenska pediatrija : revija Združenja pediatrov Slovenije in Združenja specialistov šolske in visokošolske medicine Slovenije. - ISSN 1318-4423 (Let. 3, št. 1/3, 1996, str. 99-102)
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Štihec, Jože | 07861 |
Karpljuk, Damir | 15329 |
Strel, Janko | 00625 |
Source: Personal bibliographies
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