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  • Analyzing environmental problems in wood industry companies by ABC analysis and fuzzy logic
    Zadnik Stirn, Lidija ...
    Two important properties of the production in a wood industry company, i.e. imprecise coefficients, and multi-objectives, arising from economic, ecological and technological criteria, have received ... the attention in the presented paper. Thus, the methodology for establishing the economic and environmental situation in a wood industry company has been introduced to address these two issues, respectively. Critical ecological parameters have been encountered by ABC analysis, and fuzzy logic has been used to deal with descriptive parameters and data representing intermediate and subjective assessments. Further, the multi-objective programming problem has been formulated and solved using the linear multi-criteria method to determine the optimal production decisions.
    Source: Proceedings (Str. 245-251)
    Type of material - conference contribution
    Publish date - 1999
    Language - english
    COBISS.SI-ID - 9081689

source: Proceedings (Str. 245-251)
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